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just post the pasta already.

just pasta the post already.

Do you think she'll secretly enjoy being raped?

Don't do this to me, user.

Do not post Pokemon threads on Yas Forums.

Do little girls really think age means nothing?

They don't care for boundaries like age, sexuality or clothing.

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They’re only 10.

3P with Chicken and Lillie!

Fuck you, pedofags

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I can't be the only one who thought she shit her pants in the thumbnail.

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>sfw image deleted

why does Yas Forums like to sexualize kid characters so much?
are you all just deranged perverts?

She's like 8 years old you pedo

I believe it was because of what he said.

Is ok if is anal.

>are you all just deranged perverts?
first day on Yas Forums?

You are, stop being a degenerate

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Why do self-proclaimed non-pedos link children with sex so quickly?

>are you all just deranged perverts?
When you've been coming to this site for longer than the age of these characters it's hard not to be.

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It keeps you away.

>Tfw your tenure on Yas Forums is an old hag.

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based user/s
keep them coming

Keep what coming exactly?

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Why are you such a big flaming faggot? The world will never know.

won't mind if they're nswf

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S/M had so many great girls

>you'll never be stalked by Lillie
Why live?