Twitter got proved wrong once again

Twitter got proved wrong once again

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What did Twitter think? They were some mix-raced gay couple in a Nintendo game?

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What’s this from? Finally once and for all blow out these massive faggots.

CJ calls Flick his partner in the game, and there's no more in-game context beyond that, so Twitter ran with it.
lol wat

Twitterfags assumed that "partners" equals with "lovers". Which proves once again that they think nothing but sex all the time.

yaoicucks and fujoshits are pathetic

Nigger, I don't give a fuck. The gay porn will keep coming and the only thing blown out will be Flick's asshole.

yeah man
just 2 dudes living together
business "partners"

not gay...right

They sound pretty gay, not sure how this changes anything.

What does being lovers have to do with sex

There's plenty of context but furries like you ignore it for the excuse to draw porn. Tumblr closing down as containment was the worst thing to happen to Twitter, as much as a cespool it already was.

He's not talking about you, you enjoy yourself.

>plenty of context
>furries like you
Again, lolwat

I hope you see the irony in that your disbelief that two dudes could possibly ever live together or have a close business relationship is really just exposing your own insecurities. Are you afraid of coming out to your parents or something, user?

It's not gay until you touch each others dicks

Holy based

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it's like off model porn. the people who draw fujoshit don't care about canon

Shut up delusional faggot

There are definitely some artists getting a rise out of how triggered others are getting over the art. Probably makes it funner for them.


dare I say it, based?

>making free or heavily discounted art for "streaming incentives"
>while living together
>and the only thing Flick really gets out of the deal is exposure
No artist would take that deal unless CJ was opening his ass wide.

>he thinks a characters canon sexuality or game devs stating that their fictonal characer isn't in a relationship with another characer is gonna stop porn artists from drawing shit
hope you motherfuckers dont do this

>and there's no more in-game context beyond that

You know aside from the fact that they're literal business partners that work together

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Here's the key word that started everything.

The trannies over at Treehouse changed "buddy" to "partner" explicitly to foster this kind of garbage.

Honestly, watching my sister play this in English just makes it look like the worst fucking game ever. Do kids these days really talk in internet memes? Because that's what half the dialogue in the game reads like now that it's been "localised".

>2 bros hanging

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That's the shipping obsessed world we live in sadly

Are they trying to make up for that time they changed Saharah and that gay Giraffe into females in the western version, even though their japanese official profiles clearly identified them both as male with the male symbol?

Shipping is one thing. Treating your shipping as the actual thing is another. Then again we talk about same freaks that also treat anime crossdressings/traps as transgenders and want to turn real life kids into their sex slaves.

>Kids game
>OMG every character that are friends are fucking each OMG

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I didn’t know they knew each other. Never looked into Flick’s art. Regardless, I hate both. I always feel weird selling bugs to him because he’s so goddamn strange about it.

What a handsome dog