Why did he do it?

Attached: chairsniff.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

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The man was dedicated to Der Schniefenkraft.

Just look at her.

No more GDQs or ESAs until like 2022 thanks to the germ.

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he was tired of imagining the smell...

While you foolishly imagine the smell, he actualizes the smell.

In a world of pretenders, he was the only one who dared to unite dream and day.

I'm sick of seeing this thread so I'm going to spoil the fun for everyone. He wasn't sniffing her seat, he was picking up a soda bottle he left under his own seat. He had to get off the chair and kneel on the floor to grab it because everything is harder when you're fat.

He was getting a hint at what he'd be experiencing that night when he plowed her. Absolutely guarantee this chick took two loads from him that night and two more in the morning.

t.Chair sniffer

Everyone is saying "he was just picking something up" which is true if you watch the VOD. However, of course he's going to be picking something up. He's not going to make it that obvious if he was trying to sniff. It's like when a guy pretends to tie his shoe to get a better view of a girl's ass. It's the oldest trick in the book. people don't seem to realize he can be both picking something up and sniffing her seat. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.

If he really wasn't trying to sniff though, then what I wanna know is why did he pick up his item so awkwardly? Like when you're sitting down and something is at your feet, how often do you turn 180 degrees and bend all the way over to pick it up? It makes no sense.

Also look at how much attention he is paying to the girl. The gif starts out with him staring at her, then as she's getting up it looks like he tries to peak at her cleavage. As shes walking away he looks back up at her to make sure she isn't looking, then he makes his move.

Attached: itstape.jpg (232x217, 13.16K)

Looks like a basic ass thot to me

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>implying the soda bottle wasn't a part of his plan

t. chair sniffer

You people realize there's no smell right? Just body warmth if you sit on the chair.

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so he lapped that shit up.

Mightve been a really hot day

Fags have been saying this since day one. There's no denying it, the eyeful of ass he gets before he goes in for the kill speaks for itself. Honestly the guy should just own it.

Fucking retard.

>his nose can't detect the smell
oh, user....I'm so sorry for you

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>there is no smell guys I promise

Attached: doggo.webm (240x240, 844.51K)

finally, redemption

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hello chair sniffer

and why should i believe what a niggeredditor has to say?

Everyone says he just picked something up, but his nose got a lot closer to the seat than it needed to be

He just wanted a quick whiff. No harm done.

Does he still remember the smell?

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>realizing all the incredibly obvious excuses I made to look at stuff over the years
>they knew

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