Jesus Christ this was so fucking sad

Jesus Christ this was so fucking sad

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I know, right? To think that a human being would be emotionally impacted by weebshit and then post about it on Yas Forums is among the saddest things I can think of.

For those short 30 minutes 0 was actually tolerable

Says the faggot wasting his life here kek

>Ywn embrace another woman
Just end me bros

0 is such a meh-tier fanfic that kinda ruins the original.
It had its brilliant moments, though, like Okabe waking up in the apocalyptic future

Start off by not saying that shit, that sort of talk is self fulfilling.

Right back at you dope double kek

You're pathetic

Is the VN as overrated as the anime? People unironically call it AOTY when that clearly goes to Madoka

You're a big guy

Homura is a shit fap bait character and Okabe is a more well written suffering character. The VN is not overrated like the anime was


*AOTD it wouldn't even win 2011 aoty runner up. That would be nichijou.

>people tell me this show is kino
>its haremshit

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What is this?

>he picks one girl super fast and friendzones the few other girls

Let me guess, you call every female character a "waifu", don't you?

Steins;gate 0
Don't bother. Only the first game is hood

>the whole first focus of the story is saving mayuri
>mayuri is not the true ending even though she loves okabe, and has to be sacrificed to save kurisu until the true ending spares them both
but why

I haven't watched the anime but from what I understand it's just kind of worse than the VN.

>friend really recommended the anime and said it was amazing and deep
>watched it and zero
>thought it was okay at best, Leskinen being the best part of it all.
Is this normal? I see people all over worshiping Kurisu and saying she's best girl and I absolutely don't get it. I don't get why this show is propped up to be god-tier when it's just alright.

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Kurisu is better than that genki retard that's why

Correction: Seeing Maho get over her inferiority complex with Kurisu was the best. I really liked her character.

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Same, i still think it's an 8 but people really treat it like it's some god tier classic when it just isn't

>Tfw no romantic maho route

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Not sure it's worth doing so now that you've watched the anime, but I feel like it's usually best to skip the anime adaptions of things and just read the source manga/VN. The anime will always have to compromise or rush through some things.
I mean, imagine being the chump who watched the Medaka Box anime instead of reading the manga. Fuckin laughable.

Which steins gate vn should I read? I was thinking of buying sg0 on a psn sale

>and deep
That's the hint that should tell you its not going to be that good

time-travel plots are almost never that good, I don't know why it gets a pass here. the characters are great though

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That's as opposed to much worse like most VN adaptions.

Time travel is always based and fun as long as the writing staff don't completely shit themselves.

She and future okabe were absolutely a couple.
I like to assume future Okabe looked reluctant when finally putting the plan in motion because he had moved on from Kurisu and found happiness with Maho and didn't want to erase all the good times with her, but the plan was objectively the best way for all of humanity, and Kurisu is great anyway

wish it played more with the future stuff rather then the boring present. It would have distinguished itself more from the original timeline if it allowed us to experience the what if scenario