We want the dark souls audience

>we want the dark souls audience

when will this shit stop? dark souls has infested everything

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When people acquire taste

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why do zoomers like going fast so much?

the only 2 things on the list are not that hard just annoying till my concentration breaks.

marauders dont even seem to follow their own rules

Literally just mod the game to give you maximum ammo capacity. Fixed.

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ok ill bite, in what way whatsoever is this similar to dark souls? if you unironically answer "be-because its hard!" i wish cancer on you and your family

wut lol

the only thing i can think of is marauder feeling like someone invading your game
which means the guy is just fucking shite

>inb4 dash

being near death in 3 hits, dashing with its I-frames

>in 3 hits
>has litterally 2 hp bars which can be refilled instantly

dashing doesnt have iframes
and if you get hit youre fucking shit

>Game is hard
>Instantly call it Dark Souls-like

Fuck off and git gud, scrub

>and if you get hit youre fucking shit

ahh yes if the enemies that track you through walls and lead their shots perfectly hit you, the player is bad

if you're so bad why don't you just play on a lower difficulty? another thing that it doesn't have in common with dark souls

>Can't fathom having to manage a single resource and do more than spam the super shotty
Yeah typical

>marauders dont even seem to follow their own rules

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>and if you get hit youre fucking shit
It’s impossible to play Eternal on UV/Nightmare and not take damage. The game is designed around your HP/armor constantly being stripped and you using your skill pool to keep it topped up.

I defy you to provide me with video footage demonstrating the contrary.


players cant play range because lol ammo will run out quick

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I just don't like the quicktime event shit and would rather keep it to a minimum even though its unavoidable.

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>The game is designed around your HP/armor constantly being stripped
no, the game is designed around keeping you in the thick of it constantly
literally every attack can be avoided
if you get hit, you're shit, and it means you weren't paying attention, prioritized your targes incorrectly, or simply walked into an attack
>filtered by fucking ammo management
throw your pc into the garbage you hopeless shitter

>meme switch between weapons as they stagger helpless to the onslaught

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>permanent berserk cheat
what were you trying to prove

>Dark Souls audience
This shit is nothing like Dark Souls.

what the fuck was that big fucking squid body in the labs before you kill that fake angel queen.

Also is she an actual fucking demon trying to mask herself with armor, or did they just fuck up their looks?

are you intentionally trying to be retarded

marauder is easy, your game is shit

>we want dark souls audience
This never happened. Stop being a complete fucking retard. Jesus Christ.

whatever you say, ITYTD baby

>not liking fast challenging gameplay

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>ITYTD baby
>pull out BFG
>murder everything
>wipe my forehead as it was very hard

Brainlets. He's referring to the way the game forces you to overcome bad game design, even though it feels like shit, in order to win. It's the hallmark of Souls-likes.

>no, the game is designed around keeping you in the thick of it constantly
>literally every attack can be avoided
Show me the footage. Show me a no-damage run of a Slayer Gate or something on UV/Nightmare. Prove it’s doable and that enemies don’t abuse tracking and offscreen attacks to drop impossible to avoid damage.

I can show you no-hit run footage of most “hard” games; I personally couldn’t do it for most of them, but I can prove that skilled players can. I claim that nobody can do it in Eternal.

This is why the game gives you the Glory Kill, Flame Belch, flaming meathook, chainsaw, and an ocean of fodder enemies in all encounters. Because it’s meant to be played like an MMO, where damage is something you simply have to take as a matter of course and the challenge comes in how good you are at negating it.

They're the most predictable enemy in the game. The tutorial given is completely wrong, which is why you think they don't follow their own rules.

You're not supposed to find the "perfect distance", you're supposed to bait out the axe throw, because they follow up with the attack where you can hit them. Honestly, you're more likely to die from a random fodder enemy than the marauder himself

no more replies to your retarded casual ass
god i fucking hate this board

>jump in air during fight
>start swinging around a yellow boner protrusion

Attached: here cums da pain train baybay.webm (1280x720, 1.15M)

Doom Eternal only proves this place is full of poorfaggots and shitters.
Keep wallowing in your skill less garbage and whining about money.
Maybe go outside and get that premium for risking your life walking into viral areas, hopefully you die trying lol.

What's the bad game design here?

>DOOM: Have to spam chainsaw, glory kills, and all your abilities as soon as they're off cool down, while switching weapons for enemy weaknesses
>Dark Souls: Uhhh, just don't play like a retard?

If you think Doom Eternal is bullshit hard then boy howdy you'd shit yourself at Plutonia

i'm tired of people insulting Dark Souls by comparing every piece of shit that comes out to it.
and i'm also tired of shameless developers modeling their shit games over Dark Souls.

putting hwdudes everywhere isn't difficulty

More like don't get impatient, Dark Souls is fairly easy.

>Button to chainsaw.
>Button to glory kill.
>Button for flamethrower.
>Button to throw grenade.
>Button to switch grenades.
>Button to use Crucible.
>Button to switch weapon mods.
>Buttons for normal movements, dashing, weapon switching.
DOOM flight simulator up in this bitch.

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>game about ripping and tearing
>player has to routinely stop to farm for health and ammo

really makes me thing

>It’s impossible to play Eternal on UV/Nightmare and not take damage
It's impossible to do that in Classic Doom as well. Search for "doom uv max" on youtube, pick a wad at random, and count how many times the player loses health/armor; it's more than you think.

>not the first post from this ip
>esl spelling

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