Would Metroid ever work as survival horror?

Would Metroid ever work as survival horror?

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not now because its a too recognizable brand, but the first metroid was the closest you had to a survival horror on the nes

I wish you morons would quit pushing this dumb meme.

Survival horror is an inherently shitty genre; there is not a single game in it that's worth playing. I have no idea why you fuckers are so interested in having a Metroid game be so shitty. Was Other M not terrible enough for you?

With Samus?
No, you're literally walking with a humanoid planet Buster abomination
With a literal who?
Yes, there's a lot of spook potential untapped.

>Survival horror is an inherently shitty genre; there is not a single game in it that's worth playing

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What would even be the difference?
More limited healing/ammo instead of getting enemy drops? I suppose it could work if done well but it could be annoying in a Metroid game.

your post is all over the place. Is this bait?

yeah easily it's just about a person in a power suit trekking around hostile alien planets. I'm thinking make the game more about running from fights than engaging, or if you do need to kill something you do more hit and run stuff across multiple rooms. think very tight hitboxes, smart AI, stylish and graceful and mechanically deep momentum heavy platforming with wall jumping and sliding and whatnot. could work in 3D (third person) or 2D.

>No, you're literally walking with a humanoid planet Buster abomination
Only when she is lucky enough to find the right powerups. Imagine a Metroid where after the little 10 minute intro with all your powerups, you get BTFO'd by some new threat and a half-dead Samus has to crawl into some shitty outdated conventional power suit that's made for lifting heavy boxes. And the upgrades she finds are kind of DIY hackjobs, like Tony Stark in the cave with the box of scraps.

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It's a spicy opinion. I honestly do not believe there's any merit to the survival horror genre.

>Dude what if we took the tense moments of games when you're at 1 HP, and then exacerbate the fuck out of it and make an entire game around it. That'll make players experience a constant emotional high instead of just being irritating and stupid, right?
>Good idea. I'll also make a cake that's literally just a giant pile of sugar, and make a new spicy cracker that's actually just molten tungsten. This design philosophy is completely sound.

Did someone tell you to play REmake as Chris on the mountain climbing difficulty as your first Resident Evil and now you're upset that you're stuck in a safe room with no bullets surrounded by 5 crimson heads?

Sounds boring and lame.

I've never played a Resident Evil game, and I'm not interested in doing so.


Oh so you're just another retarded secondary talking completely out of your ass. You're in good company on Yas Forums.

Being a Metroid fan is survival horror.

Fucking kek

Only if you play a space pirate going through the horror of trying to survive against the hunter while she stalks you like SA-X

You posted a survival horror metroid game, and it worked. Yes.

what's the name of that youtuber who's making some nice looking fusion total conversion romhack? with the custom SA-X appearances? he's been working on it for years but I forgot the name

the horror is surviving the dialogue

A prequel game with a teenager Samus training under the bird people's watch
Since you don't have the power suit the best you can do is disable or trick the enemies
and before your fight with the final boss you get the basic power suit only to notice how OP it is after defeating the boss without any effort

A metroid fusion reimagining definitely could. It already has the setting, plot, and mechanics for one


One thing that works in its favor is its pacing of deaths. Dying in a metroid game is a sign that you fucked up pretty badly or you're in one of the game's few boss battles, its not a routine thing that you expect every other corridor. Getting in over your head in a section you're unfamiliar with, far away from a saveroom, that situation is primed for survival horror.

It could work but a lot of people would probably complain.

Being stalked by the SAX

Well SA-X is basically Nemesis. Right down to the completely scripted appearances.

Not to mention you also have a weaker power suit than normal

Yes. That's arguably what the original was, Super had that, Fusion had that, and the best game of the Prime series, Prime 2, was all but full on horror.
I fucking love Prime 2

You forgot Metroid II.

pretty "horror"ible

Prime 2 was shit and was as much a horror game as Grabbed by the Ghoulies.
