Yas Forums tells you a game is shit

>Yas Forums tells you a game is shit
>play it
>it's amazing
This is on par with Episode 2 and easily better than HL2 and the episodes. Why do you fags hate it so much?

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who hates it?

I don't. It was a genre-defining masterpiece.

This photo answers your question user

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>Why do you fags hate it so much?
Because Half Life fans who have been hanging around since the beginning felt betrayed by that horrible retcon.

the only ones who hate it are favela monkeys who haven't played it and watched some zoomer streamer rush through it while being whacky and entertaining and not paying any attention to the plot or environment.

Which one?

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The plot was dumb.
>rescue Eli yet again
>break g-man out of floating prison
>retcon ep2

There was only one horrible retcon smart ass.

I love it.

honestly eli being alive is more interesting than alyx being with gordon....again. plus He wanted to tell us some stuff about gman in hl2ep2, so if the writer aren't shitheads they'll think about it

Is it though? Hasn't the gman always been able to alter time and events?

I really hope so, cause the whole time travel Gman retcon Is confusing as hell

It's not even a retcon though, as they acknowledged the original event as having actually happened, but gets "nudged".

They had to do this because of Epistle 3

>honestly eli being alive is more interesting
Entirely subjective.
I actually think Alyx grieving and getting revenge is far more interesting.

>Wants a rehash of Laidlaw's story when there's already fan projects doing that
>Thinks the only worthwhile character who's in on the G-Man with you being given some borrowed time is a bad thing
>Thinks parroting the same non-argument will make him feel better about not getting to play the game
Hey I heard you can play the game like QWOP now on a keyboard.

>honestly eli being alive is more interesting than alyx being with gordon
I agree. Epistle 3 a shit.

>"He lives right?"
>"My dad lives now... right??"
>G-Man completely dodges the question
Eli is still obviously going to die.

>This is on par with Episode 2 and easily better than HL2 and the episodes.
No, it's not. It is basically impossible to compare to the past games - and that's the problem. A lot of this is due to being an entirely different MEDIUM, but even in ways entirely under Valves control, It's barely a Half-Life game. It is very much Portal 2 crossed with Resident Evil (and getting Resident Evil wrong), under a coat of Half-Life paint (and ONLY a very thin coat of surface-level references and similarities).

It's a good game, but they've still not topped Episode 2, and if this is in any way indicative of their current general thinking on game design, probably never will. I cannot stress enough that it is really a Portal game, not Half-Life.

Anyone who hates it probably hasn't played it. Because like all Valve games, it plays most things very safe, and it's playtested to hell and back. I understand anyone who was underwhelmed by it though because it's not ambitious compared to the wild west of little indie VR experiments. Really glad that it was my first real VR game.

It's not impossible to compare them to past games though. They're both story-driven first person shooters with a strong emphasis on making believable environments.

because they can't afford a headset, especially after corona slowed production and shipment. that's basically it. they've been left behind and they have to pitch a shit fit over it

If you bought VR before 2020 and played a lot of other games HL:A was pretty underwhelming mechanics wise.

>Wants a rehash of Laidlaw's story when there's already fan projects doing that
See this is why I don't get the outrage about the "nudge". We're getting Project Borealis IN ADDITION to half-life 3

The more the better.

Is VR the ultimate filter?
>filters poorfags
>filters thirdworlders
>filters consolekids
>filters graphicswhores
>filters casuals
>filters normies
>filters boomers
>filters moviekeks
>filters neets
>filters children
>filters fake PC gamers
Its perfect

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How does VR filter normalfags? If anything my nogaems friends are way more taken with VR than flatscreen games.

Also you forgot that it filters people with physical deformities and the handicapped.

Yas Forums never said that
its time to take some pills


I dont think it's shit but I do feel like the people hyping it up hadn't played a VR game before or at least not for a couple years and likely weren't OG half life fans. The gameplay is incredibly mediocre by VR standards. The only thing it has on other games is length and close quarters graphical fidelity. Nothing about it felt expansive or actually immersive. It's VR yet I never once felt like a part of that world. Kind of defeats the purpose.

You realize old Yas Forums always hated hl?

Continuing this discussion even if the original posters aren't here.

Obviously everyone would like to have SAO level VR and that's what they want out of future VR. However people need to get their expectations and entitlement in check and actually use their brains instead of having them warped by media. The reality is that there is no "basic" VR. The very idea of an SAO style VR is so inherently complex that it might as well be magic. No, Gaben's "Matrix VR is sooner than you think" quote or however he said it shouldn't give you that much hope. He in fact said something very similar back in 2013 and we're still in the "soon" state in neuroscience research. The interview of Gaben's son has more details and yes there have been advancements in neuro but it's still far away from what we want. Adjust your expectations to at least two decades for early consumer neural read+write VR systems.

As for media, the way VR is written to exist in media most of the time shouldn't even count as sci-fi. In truth it's more like fantasy. Near-perfect deep dive VR might as well be literal magic and it's very existence implies such a high level of science and technology that it would be practically impossible for an otherwise modern society like seen in SAO to exist. So stop being disappointed we're a long way off from Matrix VR. Instead, be glad that VR even exists as an industry and people like Abrash and Alan Yates are pouring their hearts and souls into trying to improve it. Things really could be much worse.

Also, VR doesn't have to slow down gameplay or make you motion sick. Right now if you get motion sick then you're pretty unlucky as part of the 20% who are immune to getting used to VR motion, but it doesn't have to stay that way and there are possible solutions to VR sickness on the horizon. For other people, there are and will be games that let you move fast. Hell you can tweak your walk speed with a launch command in HL: A.

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Because they are coping with not owning a VR headset.

This game made me realize that Gaben was not crazy when he said we are closer than we think to the matrix. This game seriously tricks my brain into thinking shit’s real. The surround sound of zombies in VR is unnerving as hell too.

>valvo santo game
get a loud of this subhuman

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It's just one obsessed autistic fag, who can't afford VR, because he wasted all his money on Yas Forums passes.

>it’s another polcuck obsessed with twitter and collages episode

Do you retards realize that you can create any narrative with random shit placed into a vague context?

>this game
Ahh so you haven't played any other VR games.

7 out of 10 headsets sold by Oculus in its entire history are mobile headsets FOR normies, dude.

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You mean at the end of HL2, where G-man sent Gordon into the freezer and left Alyx to die, just to be retconned into the Vortigaunts interventing, saving them both from the explosions and the G-man in Episode One?

Not just the G-Man.
The Vortigaunts as well.

>75% of its playerbase dropped it after a couple hours and never picked it back up

Apparently it filters VR users too


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>Pinkerton co-wrote TF2 and was the main portal 2 writer
>Wolpaw wrote the HL2 episodes and also co-wrote TF2
Neither of those people are campo santo employees you know.

>just pay $1250 for 1 game bro

You could have paid $200 if you got a headset on sale in December to play it and then sold your VR headset for double the price now during the covid pandemic. Even the lowest end WMR headsets are going for almost $400 right now and increasing by the day.

It was my first VR game because I'm not dumb and waited for something of actual quality to come out.

Going back and playing some older games after Alyx, a lot of them are very ambitious, but they're not very good games. HL:A is a very good game, where it's significantly lengthy and varied enough to be interesting throughout.