He just looks big! We'll show him!

He just looks big! We'll show him!

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*unzips pants*

How many years till we get to the weapons?

Good thing we had those Phoenix Downs, yeh?

you're never getting them unless they're just lazily thrown in as combat simulator challenges.
sales are going to plummet when people realise it's not FF7 and they're only making shitty spinoffs.


y-you have the downs..

>Oney hasn’t done an animated video like this in 7 years


why animate videos when you get 10x the money from people watching your streams and donating money?

What are Chris' opinions on the remake? I want to know what he and Julian think about KH3 as well.

Not profitable. Hellbenders is also in limbo because they couldn't just suck it up and change the title to appease Adult Swim execs.

He fucking hates it. Just read his twitter. He didn't even get to the ending though, so he would have hated it even more if he knew. Fortunately for his soul the save data corrupted and he was unable to recover it.

That's all animators these days sadly.
How long has it been since Egoraptor animated? Or even picked up a pencil?

He apparently fucking HATES the new shit (probably the time ghosts)

Oh thank God, there is still hope for mankind.

He's posted about it on twitter a bit, I can't find his posts right now but it seemed like he had some mixed feelings. He's a giant FFVII fan, so I think some of the changes bugged him. I haven't played the game yet, probably going to get it this weekend.

He was talking about how the remake fucks with the good pacing of the original game. Making you do pointless quest to fill time and what not.

Have you seen Egoraptor lately? He's a step away from being a full-on tranny cuck. There was also that Twitter meltdown he had a few months ago when he pissed on Newgrounds in hopes of boosting his social stance or whatever.

You don't want to see what stupid shit he'd animate in his current mental state.

Not even sure he got that far. He hated that they padded out a 6 hour segment with 54 hours of quests and grind. He went on and on in his other tweets and in the comments. People got mad he made a joke in his lets play vid that dropped just today too because they knew he'd been talking shit about the game prior to it releasing. Bunch of cry babies can't handle anyone's opinion.


He's absolutely seething about it lol it's genuinely funny. I don't get how someone can get this upset over a video game not being what they wanted it to be

I'm still hopeful for the remake, I loved the demo.

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he worked on smile freind sjust recently and plus there's his game & nightmare cops.

>irrelevant faggot riding Oney's popularity
every time

>they knew he'd been talking shit about the game prior to it releasing
Almost like they're well aware it's bad and had to preemptively defend their sacred cow.

Things this retard already bitched about in his first playthrough video
>cloud was revealed two seconds before the train stops
>the fucking ELEVATOR in the mako reactor
and people somehow care what this retard thinks lmao

Has he said anything about how gimped RE3make turned out? Or did that not hit him as hard?

both are soulless
especially the fucking elevator
Remake has its good shit but it has plenty of bad, too

>taking seriously someone who uses terms like "black pill" unironically

I like Chris, but totally disagree with him on this. Form your own opinions.

>0.1 cents has been deposited into your bank account.

>people are just now realizing oney has no original thoughts and he just parrots Yas Forums

Yeah, I'll play it and judge for myself.

I'm not even sure he knows how to use Yas Forums
he's like a demi-boomer

Who's Chris?

Lots of angry children not ready to stop sucking SE's cock I see.

You need to leave this board, or this site as a whole. It's getting to you.


>people are just now realizing normalfags has no original thoughts and just buys what companies tell them to.

>telling people they need a break from this website while NOOOOposting

>people having similar opinions = parroting
Get off the internet once in a while.

this seems like one of the most decisive games right now, personally the only part of the changes i find really stupid is the time ghost bullshit but the rest of the expository changes and character developments seem fine to me. the game seems like its good right up until it shits itself towards the end
like as much good shit as it seems to really add i just cannot cope with the fucking time janitors at all, everything about the added lifestream shit is the most retarded thing imaginable. its like kingdom hearts on crack

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>Hellbenders is also in limbo
It's dead. Zach is working on a show with Michael Cusack for adult swim. Oney is working on a video game now.

Imagine giving SE a free pass when they fucked most of their projects for a decade and then broke the glass on [remake classic game for free money] and then squandered it. You just don't realize how much easier it is to just remake something that's already made and they fucked it up once again proving SE has been incompetent since the beginning of the ps2 and you're all just sitting on Twitter, in youtube comments, Reddit, Yas Forums and what have you fucking defending them?

>Long ass segment of cinematic walking through streets and climbing up fire escapes to what ultimately boils down to.
>Look at collateral damage.
>Enter next chapter.
>Instantly back to forced cinematic walking while 8 npc conversations plays at the same time and meta future scenes triggering Cloud instead of letting the game just be it's own story.
>Can't even run around town instead the camera hard locks to Tifa and Marlene forcing you to enter the bar.
>Then back to cinematic walking to your apartment.
I fucking hate nu-video game design.

modern game design is the most diverse its ever been! just avoid triple-a stuff and buy indie
unless you really care about graphics then you're fucked lmao lmao