Based on the opinions from 4 different boards, we have finally determined Yas Forums's favorite video games ever

Based on the opinions from 4 different boards, we have finally determined Yas Forums's favorite video games ever.

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That's not "Shower with your dad simulator".

I like Shower with Your Sister simulator better

All these games are Reddit.

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Reddit only likes Dark Souls & Ocarina of Time and hates every other Jap game

what game is top middle

>Nier Automata

curse you for tempting me with what I know I cannot have

Yas Forums liked all of these games before Reddit even knew about them, they always copy us.

Alucard got fucked up the ass.

5 of those games we're loved before reddit was ever a thing.

Westcuck cope, as always

Reddit is a state of mind

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Wrong. These are kino only approved games.

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>Nier Automata being in anyone's top anything list.

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>not a single good game in the entire thread
I'd expect nothing less from Yas Forumseddit

Reddit made a list back 5 months ago, it's mostly western shit & entry level Nintendo games
> 1. Portal (USA)
> 2. Trigger (JPN)
> 3. DAO (CAN)
> 4. SMW (JPN)
> 5. Portal 2 (USA)
> 6. Morrowind (USA)
> 7. MineCraft (SE)
> 8. Zelda OOT (JPN)
> 9. Bloodborne (JPN)
> 10. FF Tactics (JPN)
> 11. Doom (USA)
> 12. SM64 (JPN)


>Westcuck & soulstranny's seething
Right on schedule

How anyone can actually rate Automata so highly I will never understand. I legitimately feel like I'm taking crazy pills of the absolute undeserved praise that game got. It's like Bioshock Infinite all over again.

Because you are a seething tranny offended by attractive women & got filtered by the 9S Route.

"Reddit" is a meme term that means nothing, and is ironically used a get "upvotes" on Yas Forums.

I finished the game including Ending E but nice try. How'd you enjoy your first Taro game?

> Reddit loves Western games
> Yas Forums is full of westernfags offended by Japanese games that aren't Nintendo
> Westernfags cry when this website's favorites are entirely japanese games
Really makes you think

Taro is a fucking hack, how can anyone think is stories are "deep"? I would say his games are the equivalent to Eva, good anime but absolute shit fanbase that thinks it's the deepest shit ever.

Chrono Trigger is for basedboy boomers

> NieR Gestalt - 67 Metascore
> NieR Automata - 91 Metascore
Imagine being so assmad that a literal piece of shit game is forgotten and the greatest sequel of all time is regarded highly

its in my 3x3. Legit one of the mos amazing games ever made.

> Yas Forumsedditors STILL seething about NieR: Automata after 3 years
This is the worst contrarianism i've seen since the Anti-OOT faggots back when GameGrumps released their video on it

Imagine having such low standards you think a mediocre ARPG with some re-contextualized mechanics is the "greatest game ever made". The game will be remembered for nothing other than the porn it generated rather than something actually good like Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, or Ocarina of Time.

>Chrono Trigger
>Nier Automata
>Most basic bitch gameplay
They're fine for what they are, but aren't the best representations for the medium. Demand better. Demand something that can only be done in video games and is done well.

Nice fucking try contrarian autist
> Best storyline lists
9/12 - NieR Automata
8/12 - The Last of Us
7/12 - Bioshock
6/12 - M.Effect Trilogy
6/12 - Silent Hill 2
5/12 - RDR1
4/12 - FFVI
4/12 - Zelda: OOT
4/12 - KOTOR
4/12 - Walking Dead
3/12 - Xenogears
> Best Soundtrack lists
24 - Zelda OOT
20 - C.Trigger
19 - FFVI
15 - FFX
14 - FFVII
14 - SOTN
13 - C.Cross
13 - SOTC
13 - RDR1
13 - TLOU
10 - NieR Automata
10 - Bastion
> Top 10 Game Lists
16/17 - Zelda: OOT
13/17 - Chrono Trigger
9/17 - Zelda BOTW
7/17 - Metroid Prime
6/17 - Super Metroid
6/17 - Resident Evil 4
5/17 - Final Fantasy VI
5/17 - Shadow of the Colossus
5/17 - Super Mario World
5/17 - Metal Gear Solid 3
4/17 - SoulCalibur 1999
4/17 - Symphony of the Night
4/17 - Super Mario Bros 3
3/17 - NieR: Automata