Yas Forums comfy thread

for me its glacern

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dungeon siege 1


its a pretty nostalgic game for me so i'm a little biased, i find it pretty fun, arpg kinda like diablo or titan quest, level designs interesting since there's no load screens throughout the whole game, and you make your way through lots of different climates. its usually like a dollar on sale in my country so i'd say its worth picking it up

I was going to keep asking you stupid questions until you stopped responding, but your genuine enthusiasm makes me want to actually play it

It's a weird mix of diablolike and crpg. Character building has the depth of a puddle. I recommend picking one of the two magic schools to play but in single player you'll have multiple characters so maybe it won't matter that much.

I absolutely loved it when it was "new" but I'm not sure if I'd want to go back.

The music makes me nostalgia hard.

the first track in the intro to the legends of aranna expansion fits the scene so well youtube.com/watch?v=mLUplKoOjgc

For me its Majula

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Reminds me of that winter town in FF7, which I was playing for the first time when it was snow for real after getting the game for Christmas as a kid. Cozy upon cozy...

Horseshoe Overlook

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Based Dungeon Siege poster, Glacern was comfy as fuck.

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>came out in 2002
>just 2 years after Diablo 2
>full 3d
>ran on a fucking toaster
12yo me was absolutely blown away by this game back in the day
sure it doesn't exactly look good today but with the topdown camera it sort of holds up

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dino island in lego racers 2, mars was pretty good as well

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i think i still prefer it to 2 in some ways

Dungeon Siege was great. Dungeon Siege 2 was even better, for me at least. I love that game.

I don't want to be an asshole and ruin OP's comfy thread, but no, Dungeon Siege is not fun. It came out around the same time as Neverwinter Nights, and most people were very hyped for one or the other. I bought into Dungeon Siege hard. It was terrible. You basically don't need to do anything but guide the party forward and press the potion button to keep them alive, they handle the combat.

For me it's Rise From the Ashes.

>that multiplayer only map that's 10 times bigger than the single player campaign
I loved playing it with my brother and cousin on lan, I have no idea how we found it that fun when you could only control one dude and the combat was so simple.

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the way mgs2 is paced is pretty comfy, i like the passage of time, especially when you get to this point, big shell uberkino

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I never really got into the expansion or the second game. By the time 2 came out I was fully devoured by WoW. At some point I tried 2 and it seemed like it did a bunch of things to make melee and bow characters more fun to play which is good but also the starting area didn't catch me the same way the original game did. I should probably go back and play through both of them.

It's a real shame what happened with the third game. It was a huge fuck you to anyone who liked the first two.

You're right in that the gameplay is incredibly simple. It just had some magic to it back then. It's a simple game. Does that make it bad? Not necessarily. Might it make it boring to some people? Sure.

I spend the next couple summers after release playing that shit. I had so much fun with it even when I was playing with randoms online.
>I have no idea how we found it that fun when you could only control one dude and the combat was so simple.
At least using magic gave you a bit more to do even though most of the time you were best off spamming one spell.

3 was awful. 2 was just an improvement over the first in every way. I think it's worth a revisit.

It's especially fun in multiplayer and xp isn't tied to how much you hit your enemy so party members wont get left behind if they aren't hitting as much as others.

>play melee til you get Merik
>abandon your regular character to play Merik

Last Vigil.... home

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>get merik
>fuck you merik take a mace and fall in line with the rest

>mon cherie

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the cod 1 demo

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>Dungeon Siege, Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind come out around the same time
>Dungeon Siege gets a movie (???) and no one remembers it existed
>Neverwinter Nights gets one sequel and no one ever tries to do a game like it ever again
>Morrowind becomes part of one of the most successful RPG franchises by bringing RPGs to consoles
I wonder how games would have evolved in a timeline where the others would have been more popular.

>b-but I start with level 15 in both magic schools...

>haha mace go bonk

Damn, I remember that one huge desert level in multiplayer where I found a trail of potions someone left as a bread crumb trail to not get lost

While eveyone says that DS2 is a better game than DS1 I think the fact that you spend the first third of the game as a slave in a shitty jungle wearing armor made out of leaves and wood makes it not as good for me.
It also had a lot of teleporters so it didn't have the no loading screens thing from DS1.


the later games are better for sure, but just cause 1 is still my favourite

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90s and early 2000s were really weird for gaming. If you look at things today it makes no fucking sense why Morrowind was the one to succeed compared to many other games. Bethesda as a studio is fucking horrible. Absolutely incompetent. Yet they keep making games that sell massive amounts while studios making much better games have died in the hundreds when they deserved better.

You made sure to pick them up, right?

>the fact that you spend the first third of the game as a slave in a shitty jungle
This really was it. I never got past that point. I need to revisit the game. DS1 was absolute kino right from the start.

oh lawd I played the shit out of that demo