I'm finding it harder and harder not to just buy this shit. What do...

I'm finding it harder and harder not to just buy this shit. What do? I'm quite affluent anyway so it wouldn't really matter but I hate wasting money.

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buy a sex doll

>3 hour game
Doesn't matter if you have the money or not.
You are agreeing to shitty practices in the industry if you buy it.

du you think it's worth full price? do you think they deserve your money?
make your decision based on these two questions

Buy it, beat it, sell it. Game was a solid 8/10 imo.

You'll love it if you're an RE fan and you enjoy a good game. You'll hate it if you're one of those spergs who never played an RE game before and need 10+ hours of campaign full of filler to be satisfied.

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>du you think it's worth full price?
Idk that's the problem ;_;
Maybe I could get 4 playhroughts out of it... standard, hardcore, nightmare and inferno.

Just buy it. I've played through the game 12 times and all i want to do is jump back in. I'd pay 60 dollars for the game again if i had to. I'm in love with it.

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>I've played through the game 12 times and all i want to do is jump back in.
why? what do you like so much about it?

The consistency of those times tho

The gameplay is addictive. It's basically RE2R, but with an added dodge mechanic, that works very well. That, combined with more enemies and satisfying weapons, make the combat perfectly paced.

I also really enjoy the atmosphere and setting of raccoon city, the hospital section, and NEST 2.

But I've heard the survival horror aspect has been severely reduced and the game is extremely linear -- that it's kinda like a violent Uncharted with zombies and a bit of inventory management. Scripted action sequences and shit.

Fuck off shill

All RE games are linear dude.

Not really. RE1/2/3 had multiple paths to get to the same place, sometimes route planning required, lots of backtracking (i.e. survival horror). Apparently that's reduced tremendously in this game.

people forget that the OG RE3 was exactly like this, and received criticism for it in 1999.

It was intended to be a short spin off of RE2

it's a good game user
just buy it

>exactly like this

Because of you shills I'm gonna not buy it lol. Thanks, peace.

>OG RE3 was exactly like this

Just play other shit. Wait a year and this game will be 20 bucks.

>Apparently that's reduced tremendously in this game.
Areas don’t last more than 30 minutes your first time through. I hope you like QTEs and non-gameplay sequences.

I was gonna get it with coofbux but apparently I'm not eligible because I got claimed as dependent. Shame really cause I loved RE2R

Are you retarded? Can't make decisions for yourself? What a shitty thread.

what do you even have to lose? $60? who cares?
just wait until it goes on sale or something or pirate it

>Shame really cause I loved RE2R
There’s a good chance you won’t like this as much.

>Someone who enjoys a game is automatically a shill.

You're a retard.

Nah I know what I was getting into but I still want it from the looks of the videos. Dunno why people complained about playtime when RE games before RE4 were never longer than 5 hours unless you're a brainlet

it has 3 "sandbox" areas same as RE2R
downtown racoon city, hospital, NEST 2
RPD, sewers, NEST

RE3 has a sewer section too but it's pretty short
the story in this game is great too

if you enjoyed RE2R you'll enjoy this because it's pretty much the same gameplay mechanics with the addition of dodge mechanics
if not just go play cod or whatever you faggots play nowadays


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I never understand these threads. How can a person be so much of a retard that someone needs to TELL HIM whether he should buy a game or not.
Like nigga if you wanted you would've bought the game already fuck off.

Do you think you'll get any enjoyment out of Resistance? If so then go for it, if not then you can wait for a sale

grinding easy mode to unlock infinite RPG so I can rape nemesis.

just wait for the game to be $20

>3 hour game
>i've put 43 hours into it already
i really enjoyed it