How would you fix it?

How would you fix it?

Attached: Minecraft.jpg (2048x2048, 1.16M)

Make it so mods aren't version dependent

Remove command blocks, redstone, and villages.

Improve the art and marketing of minetest

Literally actual mod support and APIs are all you need
Otherwise push on the only thing minecraft does right: sandbox and creative

Scrap what I said before, just take the windows version, make it as moddable as the java version and just focus on that one. The reason why most people play the Java version is not for its performance or anything in particular, it just has enough modding to fix whatever problems it might have.

Add systems.
It would be cool if you could actually build complex systems that actually worked.
The single purpose no interactivity content keep adding gets boring very fast.

make the wings from end dimension craftable with resources acquired from that dimension. add enchanted fences that prevent monsters from spawning at night inside the perimeter of those fences, so torches don't have to be planted every inch.

Fuck ugly fences around your build is just as bad as torch spam. They should add a no mob effect to beacons, or even a new beacon from the nether ore in 1.16

add a laptop item that brings a screen in-game with the wiki embedded so you don't have to alt tab, since it's impossible to play the game properly without it, especially modded but even vanilla

making/using mods should be easier. fucking Blightfall is some top tier shit

installing mods now is soooooooo much easier than it used to be, twitch launcher makes it simple as fuck

The fuck is that

Just use your phone

microtransaction shit for skins and texture packs in the non-java versions of the game

Only Java doesnt have em.

>Doesnt know about the shitty windows 10/console versions having micro-transactions

Only reason why i dont leaveJava

Cave update gets circlejerked a lot but holy shit do we need one. Your options for mining either consist of exploring shitty dead end caves for mediocre loot or autistically strip mining for hours.
Ideally they’d lower the world limit by at least 100 blocks and overhaul underground terrain generation, but knowing Mojang they’d add a new type of stone and a useless cave mo.

Just like with the recipe book for crafting tables, there needs to be a recipe book for brewing stands because fuck memorizing all that shit.
Also this

On a side note the nether update actually looks substantial so if they can keep that level of consistency hopefully we can actually see some substantial improvements.

Is this how broke ass Majang gets their future ideas

literally not possible

do you even know what redstone is my guy

Height increase to 512
Floating Islands biome, cave update, new mobs which have specific purposes like a bird which u can tame which picks up your items when u die

revert the combat update and all tweaks and nerfs to weapon stats made alongside it
that's the only thing needed to fix minecraft

Go experience Minetest for 30 minutes, comeback and realize Minecraft was never broken.

that's just asking to code in a standarized, modular way, following good design patterns
we don't do that in the real business, sorry

well one man can dream god fucking dammit

I already did.

Get yourself some 1.7.10 or 1.12.2 tech modpack, add optifine and hardcore darkness, some difficulty mods, and play in hardcore only.

there, minecraft is now 'fixed'. you've made it into a very hard and very engaging comfy survival roguelite with actual progression and challenge

>windows 10 version
The amount of forked development for this children's game never ceases to amaze me. Why are there like 6 different versions, all with different features? How many different development teams have they dedicated to this shit? When I was in middle school, like 3 people worked on this game and it was almost the same as it is now. What differentiates the Windows 10 version from the Java version that I play on Windows 10?

this. the java edition engine is such a cobbled-together piece of shit.


Focus on improving what's already there instead of cluttering it up with a bunch of new bs nobody asked for.

>kids these days are paying real money for shit you could (and still can) get for free by the hundreds
What the fuck is with this clown world?

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fabric just like forge is version dependent, you don't see it because it's the latest, just wait a year when minecraft gets a couple "big" updates

There's not that many versions. There's Bedrock edition, Java edition, and Education. Bedrock edition is the Windows 10/Console/Mobile version. Bedrock and Java are almost entirely the same gameplay-wise, except they have a different engine and some different crafting recipes. The Bedrock Edition engine is miles-ahead of Java though. Java edition is a stuttering mess, but Bedrock is buttery smooth and will run on a toaster. The major disadvantage is lack of mod support. Any customization (resource packs, character models) cost money.

There is nothing to do. The game still sells well. Microsoft chose the right way to make updates every 5 or 6 months that basically do not change anything, while they sell mods and cosmetic garbage in the official game store.

fabric is a meme for meme versions