Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Edition

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>back in 4 days
>oh fuck nvm here goes

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that's so fucking cool, holy shit. i wish i'm gonna have enough money for it.

it looks like shit

>Solved the Puzzle
No, the design got leaked early.

Imagine buying an Xbox One X this late into the gen

Why Xbox one X instead of Series X?

It’s only $300 now.

that still doesn't make sense when the SeX releases a few months later


>glow in the dark

kek, so the entire arg was only for this? No new trailer or anything? poolacks are really starting to losing it.

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Not bad but everybody should just wait for the Series X with their Trumpbux if they want an xbox

Why not the new Xbox Series X?

Wow it's yet another shit Xbox

That would actually look cool if it wasn't just paint and didn't have that worn-out finish.

>Owning a Cuckbox ever
Massive kek

It looks great but a few months later the SeX comes out.

Xbox are so cucked. Imagine shilling a triple a title this hard and it not even a timed exclusive.

If it was a PC case with custom keyboard and a custom mouse sure but it's a fucking console. Into the trash.
Uhh? I thought that this was Microsoft opting to have Cyberpunk logos on a console and not a CDPR console. Does GOG own Microsoft now?

I know right.
Meanwhile Sony has the 2 Destiny bundles, MHW bundles, CoD bundles, 2 KH bundles, ect ect.

Nah Xbox are trying to benefit from the Cyberpunk 2077 hype train. It's pretty smart since 2077 is the biggest game coming out this year.

thinking Xbox twitter teasing anything gameplay related instead of CDPR themselves is idiotic and you have nobody to blame but yourself

pad looks kinda cool, but fuck's sake that is low effort sticker on box itself if i ever saw one
they know that their game is garbage and are trying to milk that hype for all it's worth before cat's outta the bag, don't they?

I cannot wait until CDPR market value is halved when this game turns out to be trash

you can see the series x in the start of the video

Well technically Cyberpunk 2077 was revealed during the Microsoft E3 show. So there is basis for expecting news to come from a Microsoft venue.

Cope tranny. You will never be a real woman.

This game marketing is mostly tranny pandering

LMAO what are you new here tranny? We know your shtick. We know your mental delusions about the game. 40% yourself.

I bet they were going for april and consoles are already sitting at some warehouse, then cdpr cucked microsoft
I wasn't expecting anything, but going for arg only to get something like this? People expecting at least teaser isn't unreasonable. There were autists who wasted couple of hours for this. This is how you are losing even leddit audience and I am loving it actually.

Why Xbox One X instead of Series X??

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>cyberpunk world showcases a society that has completely degenerated
>trannies also happen to be part of that society

it's like they're trying to tell us something

That's nice and all but it's been 7 FUCKING MONTHS WITHOUT GAMEPLAY

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They get exclusive content for all games you mention while xbox get fuck all.

wow GTA VI looks amazing

Series X is shown at the start of the video in a little snippet,im probably thinking they are waiting still for a full reveal

That's why the trannies are seething so much. They really don't like the way they are being portrayed in Cyberpunk 2077.
This edit will never not make me smile.

this may be a stupid question, but has there been any info about supporting 60fps on one x?

Xbox one owners that buy Cyperpunk automatically get the SeX version.

>this may be a stupid question, but has there been any info about supporting 60fps on one x?
>expecting Cyberpunk 2077 to be running 60fps on a console when The Witcher 3 can't run 60fps
It will be around 30 fps dipping low to 20(or even lower) is my guess.

I hope not.