Level design greatly suffered due to having "encounter zones" pre-baked into the world...

Level design greatly suffered due to having "encounter zones" pre-baked into the world. Random encounters would have greatly helped alleviate this issue.


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With the new generation of gamers, random encounters would make the game unnecessarily long.


Dude you can breeze to the entire Midgar section of the original game in like 5 fucking hours. 7R is the unnecessarily long game.

Random encounters would be unsellable to mainstream audiences today.

>I want the entire game to be 5 hours long

what if they just took chrono trigger's battle system?

I couldn’t believe how many low res textures I’ve found. I know they’re just rocks but when you have your characters who are detailed standing next to them, it stands out. It even happens with objects like boxes and random items. Wether that’s from slow texture pop in or just low res lazy design, it’s a problem and is one of the more disappointing aspects.

So running down a 500 mile hallway where any time you try to explore the NPCs tell you to hurry up justifies it?

Doesnt matter what combat system they use. Game would of still ended at midgar. Too much effort make entire game and lot more $$$ to make 4 games then 1.

Random encounters make jrpgs almost unplayable to me, it's shit

No, I wanted a complete game, not just the introductory section of a game stretched like a used piece of chewing gum.

>Any dungeon other than the reactors
>a hallway
the original dungeons are the hallways man, all the smaller dungeons they added are little shopping malls

I want the entire game to be the entire game, not padding shit with filler garbage and releasing butched up story parts for 35 years.

shame that with the scale of the original it would be near impossible to make that game on a modern budget with current production values, everyone of those original pre-rendered backgrounds cost 1/1000th the cost and time of re-creating each of those areas now, having even a basic understanding of modern game development would make it clear that just isnt possible

hardware limitations, nothing you can do, incel boy

You know Xenoblade 2 and Xenoblade DE run on a fucking tablet, don't you? You're simply full of so much shit it's not even funny.

I've played JRPGs for 25 years, but I've always despised random battles.

Thats the limit of this gen, they obviously made a superior port to the ps5 where it will look a ton better

>random encounters
>in 2 0 2 0
oh no no no no NO user please stay away from game development lmaooo

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I contend that it's possible to have good level design even with these sorts of combat arenas, but Square simply chose not to.

The fucking Switch is fucking LAST GEN hardware, for crying out loud, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Same. I like how with Bravely Default you could turn back or turn off random battles.


Some of the connectors like the sewers or the sector 6, or the way to the sector 5 reactor are literally only a couple of screen long in the original game and they've been turned into infinite long hallways in the reimagining. It's fucking ridiculous.

>Random encounters

>xenoblade 2
>same production value
oh ok so you're being intellectually dishonest then

One thing that i noticed was that some encounters would be right before a ladder or something you had to strafe walk through, so you couldnt flee.

they simply lack talent and creativity to properly design this.
its a bloated company.

You're right, the Xenoblade games are infinitely more visually impressive, my bad.

Attached: xenoblade-chronicles-2-2.jpg (1280x720, 317.74K)

Random encounters are the worst parts of JRPGs and needs to die.