Home alone on a friday night? God you are pathetic

Home alone on a friday night? God you are pathetic.

Attached: BD3_081.webm (256x480, 377.86K)

is she okay

Confirmed for living in a shithole time zone

People Are dying outside.

Attached: being faggot.gif (315x242, 3.44M)

she's trying to hide her boner

people are always dying friend

>tfw so lonely

my gf stayed over last night and tonight I'm hanging with the boys
imagine not having people you're close to that are competent enough to stay isolated so you all know you're safe and can still see each other

>b-but people are dying outside!
omg, you are more pathetic than I thought

Attached: BD2_051.webm (258x500, 367.6K)

This is the hottest eroge of all time. Change my mind. I'm not really into futa, but jesus the scenes were just nut-inducing.

I really like this animation style, is it 2D or 3D?

Is she pooping?

Bad timing to ask that question. Everyone is fucking stuck at home due to lockdowns and a lot of us have to self-isolate.

Attached: bangs.gif (418x490, 3.07M)

>that's the joke

The only people that post this are lonely weeb incels looking for attention

>retirement homes

Inside is the danger user

use this one.

Attached: YOU_621.webm (500x490, 416.42K)

>it's just a flu bro!
Ah yes, it's retards like you that allowed the outbreak to become a pandemic. Fucking nothingburger.

This game gave me motion sickness

It's not even evening yet though

It’s barely noon though.

I need more smut in this artsytle.

>Woke up today
>Started brushing teeth
>Felt lightheaded
>Felt a cold sweat
>Fainted right there
>Got up a few mins later
Am i gonna die

what is this from again?

You’re one to talk, you larping faggot incel. Trannime avatarfagging is unbelievably pathetic. Get help.

what if you already died then


i tried playing this game but it was too weird

probably not, but do you eat and hydrate enough?
drink some gamerfuel (water)

Okay I got the swf files but how do I batch convert them?

get out ghost

(and that's a good thing!)

You got up too fast user, something to do with blood pressure

Ha, it's funnier than usual because we're in the middle of a global pandemic.

open them with WebmForRetards

what is this expression trying to convey?

I've never fainted before. Whats it like?

Dumb cunt, it is just past 2PM. Go back to school, you dumb bitch.