Give me one good reason why anyone should play this vanilla for their first playthrough when GMDX v10 exists besides...

Give me one good reason why anyone should play this vanilla for their first playthrough when GMDX v10 exists besides boomer nostalgia

Attached: deus ex2.jpg (480x480, 32.92K)

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Agreed, just don't play the revisionist or malkavian mods if it's your first playthrough. I know it sound like common sense, but I know guy that did that and it ruined his experience with it.

playing the game for second time, i've found that a lot of the open-ended areas like the city levels don't have a ton to explore, and there isn't many rewards to justify scouring each level for items. does GMDX fix this?

i played it for the first time a few days ago on vanilla. why would i install anything else?

It couldn't say for sure if it completely fixes it but it definitely feels like there are a lot less empty rooms and hobo shacks than in vanilla.

GMDX and Revision change around the gameplay and map design
They should NEVER be used for a first playthrough

If you want pretty graphics, just get New Vision

whatever you want, just don't use Revision

I played Revision first, then vanilla with New Vision. s'cool

Attached: 1585477031101.jpg (669x573, 67.2K)

New Vision makes everything look rusty and dirty, even clean offices

I have played it a lot at this point but the only thing I ever do is vanilla with kentie renderer to prevent is from looking fucked up. The only mod I know at all is nameless mod and only because threads always bring up how it acknowledges bugs and glitches while being some kind of in joke, forum love fest.

Playing vanilla first is true for every game, unless there's some game breaking shit that needs to be fixed

There is no reason to play vanilla of any game first
I mean you can, but there's also nothing wrong with modding it before even booting the game up if there are mods that fix something that you know you want fixed

GMDX nerf the DTS to hell

the tranquilizer darts being completely useless is gamebreaking shit that needs to be fixed

>the tranquilizer darts being completely useless
Play on Realistic, you bogie

they aren't useless, but if you're going for a one-shot kills, you should use regular darts

shoot them in the head with them dum dum

If you're too zoomer to just play one or the other before posting about it, I don't care what you do.

give me one good reason to use the
v10 over the standard v9

Does GMDX actually change things enough though for a second playthrough.
I beat it when it came out. Tried it again a few years ago and gave up around the second trip to NY.

Combat is pretty bad but the problem is even with stealth, there's not much incentive to explore outsideo f trying to get more multitools/lockpicks. You don' treally need augs outside of two upgrade canisters for the muslce aug really

as soon as i found out i could climb on boxes and shit i immediately deleted that fucking shit lol

yeah because that's literally impossible for a nanoaugmented agent

Can I use revision and GMDX together?


Which one would provide an overall harder experience then and give more content on a second playthrough in terms of more things to find

>he got filtered by JC climbing a box

What a shame.

Revision makes the levels bigger, but it's all decoration. Go with GMDX

You can disable that in the settings you fucking ape.

Because GMDX v10 sucks. Fuck off.

GMDX v10 is really good, I bet you haven't even played it

GMDX has a stealth skill, just how does it affect things? Also are there more enemies, since some areas were woefully easy to get around

That image is a million times more funny without editing his mouth