Who's your favorite Animal Crossing villager so far?

Who's your favorite Animal Crossing villager so far?

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i got your mom just last night.

wow what a coincidence

What does Audie's proper house look like? I got her in my first 5 and wanna know what I'm missing.


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Reminder that the only shells worth picking up are conch and giant clams. Everything else is worth way too little to take up inventory space.

Flurry for sure
Muffy is also top tier


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I only pick up shells when I need to sell 10 shells for nook miles. Otherwise I just leave them on the beach for decoration. Apparently there's some recipes that use shells but I haven't gotten them yet.


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fuck off to /vg/ if youre going to avatarfag

Marshall is giving out Golden Helmet recipes like Muffy gives out handjobs. Yes that's right GOLD HELMS. He lives on the left side of the island, check the map.
Celeste is in town. She gave me a lunar lander recipe. She's currently on the right hand side of the airport but this might change obviously.
Clothing store is selling kilts. Buy one and join me in my Scottish culture.
Turnip price is garbage.

Price to enter? 99k bells, 100 gold ore, ten feet pics... just kidding, but I would love some art on my bulletin board.

Dodo code: LNHLQ

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You seem to like your women decidedly round.


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please god, why are my turnip prices capping at 154

why are my stocks so shit

Arent Venus combs good? I never bothered to check their prices.

stfu. dont talk about turnip prices again.

Yeah I got 3 so far: Shell bed, Shell Rug and Shell Fountain. All 3 use giant clams too lol.

I honestly though flurry was a boy untill I just googled it.

I’m kicking out my starting villagers and there’s nothing you can do about it

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Is this the French guy that always does bouncing birds?

write about my dick being awesome and you will get your answer after

I can't. But one day you'll remember what you did and you'll regret from that moment onwards

Calm down faggot

>kicking villagers out because they're ugly
Is there anything more reddit?

No need, I already found him. He is great, much greater than your dick.

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Freya in human form

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Having a dedicated wand slot for crossdressing.


t. gandh

not him but hes right, avatarposting is the kinda shit that gets us sent to /vg/


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I had Deli in my town back in New Leaf from the beginning and now I’m happy to have him back after traveling to a bamboo island.

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Bringing up reddit and transexuals in your every post.

Post pics.


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You have to try really hard to get "sent" to /vg/.

my ables have got power suits and noble dresses ill be dickin around for a while
DODO: 2Y754

You still open?

retard, is this your first time being in a thread with a recently released game?

Can I cheat the daily gift by giving everyone seashells? I always try to give them nice/appropriate gifts, but both Nook's and Able's have been on a shit streak of nothing items and furniture.

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Code not found. Did it crash?

She cute

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Getting drumsticks, still open?

I heard the first 3 villagers don't get their regular homes, the get a DIY one and I don't know what the fuck does that mean.


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