Sonic gets a sword on a waggleshit Wii game

>Sonic gets a sword on a waggleshit Wii game
>this is on the same level as princess kissing, Werehogs and blue arms
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm why? It's just some Wii shovelware, get over it.

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I thought it was kind of fun.
The waggle added nothing of value, though.

I saw this game as a kid and thought this would be like a devil may cry with sonic

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We already had shadow with a DAMN gun can't get any worse than that.



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Why does Sonic need a sword he can already dash past his enemies and break them to pieces either from colliding with them or bouncing off them? Its just really unnecessary bullshit like giving Shadow a gun when he can kill people faster without using a gun.

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the same question can be applied to that sonic kart game

I mean I agree but whats your point?

When you already have several games in which Sonic dashes past his enemies and breaks them to pieces either from colliding with them or bouncing off them, why not have one game where he waggles a sword?

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Sword spin attacks are cool.

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there's no point
I just thought of that

Holy fuck! What an original comparison and follow up question!
>haha sonic's fast, why he drive car
Just like they say every single time he has, to keep it fair.
Same reason he rode Extreme Gear in Riders. To keep it fair.

How long are you slack-jawed idiots going to keep this tired meme going?

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i miss it

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Giving Sonic armor and a sword was kinda cool
What wasn't cool was it playing like garbage
And also that out of the entire game, that single gauntlet and sword is the only fantasy design any of the characters got that wasn't half-assed or shitty

The "why sonic drive car??" criticism is more of a sign of the bigger underlying problem, that the lazy mario kart ripoffs strip all of the series identity away

"Mario but better" is one of the core concepts of Sonic, as well as speed. Kart racing is a natural conclusion.

It totally worked to be fair SAASRT was better than any Mario Kart

When you market your character as the fastest thing alive and then give him a car everyone will question it. It's not a meme, it's an observation, and it won't stop being valid because someone se said it before.
They could have made a racing game without the karts, there's a rayman game like this. Them deciding to follow this retarded idea to profit from mario kart's popularity just shows how little they care about sonic.

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Sonic at the end of the day is just a furfag Mario ripoff trying to remain relevant and getting none of the acclaim or sales.

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What if Sonic's car has no engine and he just Flintstones his way across the track?

>They could have made a racing game without the karts
They did. Sonic and Metal Sonic completely BTFO everybody else in it. The karts are there, once again, to keep it fair.

>stupid shit is okay because it's comparatively less stupid than other stupid shit

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>Mario but better
did anyone ever believe this

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Nigger, I said that was one of the core concepts. Why the games were made in the first place. How the marketing sold people on it. Not that it was reality.

>No you see it has to be a sad mario kart ripoff because Riders doesn't exist

>to keep it fair
explain this

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why is it that every single post with this image is kinda retarded


Not really. The main reason Sonic exists is to compete with Mario. Hell, the basic idea for Sonic came from Yuji Naka speedrunning World 1-1 over and over again.
It makes sense that Sonic would be considered "Mario but better" in some way by the devs since both IPs share similar demographics.

nigger I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the concept and the results

What in the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about you moron, I referenced Riders by name here

Sonic jobs at everything but marathoning. Next!

But it's literally not supposed to be just a better version of mario, that's just why it's a platformer

The Wii games were worse than 06 and Unleashed, kill yourself nintencel

Okay, so you acknowledge that a perfectly good sonic racing game can exist without throwing the series identity away to be mario kart
Sonic does not need to be in a kart, period

my post was very intelligent

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>They could have made a racing game without the karts
They were initially going to, but later decided on using karts for balancing purposes.
Maybe if you read up on the development of these games you could make actual intelligent observations about them instead of ignorant ones.

But that's not a valid argument

Nice revisionist history. Everyone kept shitposting that because of a low effort newgrounds cartoon. They just see sonic in a car and go "lol y Sonic need car xD"

Sonic is a fictional character. They can make him as fast or as slow as they want

I don't get how the Sonic racing games would count as "Mario Kart ripoffs" honestly. All Stars Racing, sure, I can see that one being deemed a straight riff on Mario Kart. But I think both of its followups, Transformed especially, have enough alterations to the kart racing formula that they aren't full on ripoffs. Mario Kart can coexist with other racing games.
That said I do think if they were ever to continue making games where they're in cars they should take more cues from Riders like a graded trick system, or hell, just turning it into a game akin to F-Zero

Outdoing Mario is not 'throwing the series identity away'

>animal characters = furfag
Nothing outs you as a 16 year old quite like this opinion. Nigger, he was modeled after Felix the Cat. Do you consider Felix or Bugs Bunny "furfag characters?"