How the fuck does the game just end after you escape Midgar...

how the fuck does the game just end after you escape Midgar? i fucking hate the people who run the modern gaming industry so much. this was the first video game i've enjoyed in over a decade and just like that they fucked it up so they can do a triple cash in. I would've just payed the whole fucking 200 dollars if you wanted me to, i just wanted to play the whole fucking game, not a third of the fucking thing. so pathetic.

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It's written on the box (and in game description for digital)

No one cares. Stop spamming your gay porn.

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Wow it's almost like Square Enix has been REPEATEDLY TELLING YOU that the game would be BROKEN UP into MULTIPLE PARTS for THREE FUCKING YEARS.

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i don't fucking read that shit man, i'm not a nerd. i'm really disappointed and pissed off.

no, i don't follow video game news like a fucking nerd, i have a life to live. FF7 is my childhood classic and i wanted to enjoy the full experience again as an adult, not a fucking third of it.

Fuck off retard. Stop posting on Yas Forums if you don't understand game design.

sucks for you then I guess

based on when the first disc ended in the original, it'll probably be 4 games

i will, i just wanted to vent because i'm furious. i've never posted here before and don't read this board at all.

>based on when the first disc ended in the original
The first disc did not end with Midgar. It ended after City of the Ancients.

Square is one of the scummiest companies out there they are gonna milk this horse dry.

Then I will just tell you right now that it would be impossible to make the entire original game up to this standard and sell it for $60. It's barely going to break even on budget even when it's just Midgar, and that's with millions of sales. Now leave.

It's your duty as a consumer to do research on the products you buy. You have nobody to blame but yourself for not knowing it was Midgar only.

>”i’m not a nerd”
>he can’t flip the box over and read the fucking text on the back
>doing no research on a product you spend $60 on
You don’t even deserve the time I’m spending to reply to you

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For a childhood classic you sure suck at learning a lot about the remake. Not only that bitch at a chinese basket weaving forum about how retarded you are.

I even said I'd be willing to pay $200 for the full game. I don't wanna play it over the space of fucking 5 years.

Shame they have to make video games to drip wire money from poor people.

It's false advertising. If it said "FF7 Remake pt. 1 of 3" then I'd have waited until every game is out before I played it. Instead, it's soured my day.

I bought the digital download. And 60 dollars is nothing to me, I'm a grown adult with a well paying job.

*On the back of the box

Shouldn't it be in the title or mentioned in commercials? On the front cover maybe?

>It's false advertising.
It is not. They've done nothing but promote that this game is Midgar only. Honestly if you went through this entire game and were shocked when it ended you're fucking retarded. Did you think the game would be 200+ hours long?

>60 dollars is nothing to me
Then what the fuck are you complaining for?

Dude, just because you live in the world of video games doesn't mean everyone else does. I saw the trailer for the game and copped the pre-order on PS4 store. Then I played it when it came out. That's how most people in life operate, we don't obsess over the industry and follow all the news. You are the minority.

>Did you think the game would be 200+ hours long?
Yes, and I loved how much they fleshed out Midgar in it, and was hoping it would be the same throughout.

>Then what the fuck are you complaining for?
It's the emotional pain. This game took me back to being an 11 year old boy. The greatest game of my childhood, something that defined who I was as a young kid. And then I play the remake, as someone who has been tired of video games for well over a decade, and it happens to be majestic as fuck. It's a deep feeling. Then the rug is just pulled out from under you like that. That's why I feel sad.

You don't need keep up to date on video game news to read the back of a fucking box or the description of a game on a digital storefront.

>emotional pain
Cry about it fag. Maybe if you weren't such a little bitch that gets moved by a video game of all things you could have spent the time learning how not to be retard and learn what it is you're buying before you buy it.

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If you paid even cursory attention to the game's development for the past 5 years you would have known it was Midgar only.

And $200 may be nothing to you, but you are retarded if you think people in general are willing to pay that much for a video game.

It was this way or not at all.

You wouldn't understand

disk 1 is midgar, kalm, chocofarm, crystal cave and the midgar zolom, fort condor, the whole of junon area(with optional yuffie aquisition), costa del sol, corel area, gold saucer and temple of the ancient. remake took a super small part and padded the fuck out of it.

anyway, measuring in disk is irrelevant because they dunked the original story in the thrash.

>I'm not a nerd
>is playing final fucking fantasy
Holy shit dude, PLEASE never have children

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Who's fault is it that you set your expectations high for a company that's been on shit for MORE than 10 years? You're on this train alone.

Posting in a troll thread

So how many hours do you spend between beginning and leaving Midgar, compared to the original?

I just paid $300 for a fucking record. Your flex is weak as fuck. Rich people happen to be rich because they research what they spend their money on. Food for thought.

>I'm not a nerd
Then what are you doing on Yas Forums ?

Not flexing in the slightest, was merely clarifying

Needed somewhere to vent