The new Queen of /ss/
Jill Valentine
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Real talk that one sfm made me diamonds, i am learning it so i can make my own degeneracy with it
Nope, still Morrigan and her son.
I would conventional porn. Is that so hard? Both East and West, no monsters please.
Holy fuck, very nice
Jill is for big shota cock
God I wish I was her
Jill is for tight pussy
is anyone else as sick and tired already of seeing her face or is it just me?
Everytime I see her it makes me miss the old Jill. One reason why I'm not that bothered by all the new degenerate porn by her
funny how the hues abaolutely obesses over this goblina like the last remake probably because they have never found another character in vidya with resemblances as close to them as these two
as a result we will get neverending brazilian coomer threads until tye next remake arrives
They're porn addicts. Don't use Reddit terminology like "coomer".
>The new Queen of /ss/
I need photographic or video evidence of this
I hope hydrafxx is working on an animation for her
I haven't seen one /ss/ of RE3R Jill. Show me some.
Oh you would love that dont ya
kek at you cunt.
what the fuck is wrong with you
coomer is here to stay, fuck off
Disgusting transgender.
She's so sweaty all the time.
Man she's an uggo.
>tfw panda stopped working for me a year ago and now it's just a blank screen
>user, why is you penis so hard??
You would be too if you needed to run around all the time and also could die any second
Based. Keeping the retards out
I like it.