Why can't NuWolf reintroduce these femme fatales?

Why can't NuWolf reintroduce these femme fatales?

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PC culture ruins fun.

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>the sexy noises they make when they die

yep, definitely my first wet dream

I have enough issues with wanting to fuck nazis as is.

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>no game where you play as an unapologetic national socialist

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How does a game make you attracted to nazis when all you do in the game is kill nazis?

>Why can't NuWolf reintroduce these femme fatales?
Same reason they can't reintroduce actually playing the game instead of being yelled at by a nigger in a cutscene.

Why does Connie always make me hard?

you arent looking hard enough

Eros and Thanatos.

By making them irresistibly hot as fuck.
Polygon count might be low, but they're still attractive even today.

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Valve later confirmed that Medic is not a Nazi. Heavy isn't a communist, either, his father was a white Russian put in a gulag.

They only care for their political agendas they learnt in college

the egypt levels were definitely their sexiest

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>no bra

Where has this game been all my life

>portraying Nazis in a tongue in cheek light
>AND sexualising women

That's grounds for being "cancelled" for life you racist white supremacist bigot.

2015-present is literally "no fun allowed" era

They're better in the Castle map, mostly torn and you can see their bare skin.

Sad but True

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I guess it's time to replay this game again.

>"Once she begins, make sure that you do not look in the direction of the ruins!"

>"W-what will happen if we..?"

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>female soldiers are fine if they make me horny

Imagine being so jacked up on female hormones you waste all your interview time with a world renowned devteam just pushing your own narrative

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If you look? Well, first your blood will begin to boil...and after that? Well, it doesn't matter very much after that, yah?

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No one likes ugly people

Thats the entire point of their job

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>medium health

>Why can't NuWolf reintroduce these femme fatales?
because liberals are obsessed with ruining everything that white men like.
only way for white men to be happy ever again is for liberals all to be excluded form positions of power.

Why can't NuWolf not exist instead of shitting up a thing I liked?

Because they're sexy and therefore enjoyable to the average man, that's a big no no to Swedes.
Man hating faggots, the whole lot of them.