Almost 5 years past, is it time to settle it? Triss is better than Yennifer, but Ciri is better than both?

Almost 5 years past, is it time to settle it? Triss is better than Yennifer, but Ciri is better than both?
Anyone else replayed the witcher 3 in preparation for cyberpunk? Thinking of doing a death march run

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Triss is only better than Yennefer in that she's mostly incompetent
Yennefer is just a bitch and massive whore
Ciri is the worst thing to happen to The Witcher as a whole

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me on the left

explain about ciri. I liked both her gameplay and her story

Everything that ever happens in the series literally revolves around her womb. Emhyr wanted to give her a rapebaby to rule the world, Avellac wanted his King to put give her a rapebaby so they could go back to conquering new planets, Vilgefortz wanted to implant her baby batter in her on an operating table and then eat the surgical rapebaby to gain her powers and be the magical godking of all planets. Emhyr starts up another war in 3 so he can give her a rapebaby by proxy.
Sapkowski wants you to care about Ciri, but she's a little shit and a brat. CDPR wants you to care about Ciri in 3, but she's still a brat and you have to sleepwalk your way through her flashbacks because the donut steel powers they gave her are stupid strong. Then they couldn't even keep her story consistent and she went through the big special teleport to kill entropy. Unless you didn't kiss her little snowflake ass enough, in which case she gives up and dies.

have you read the books? would you recommend them? You seem to hate ciri but other than that

They're alright. I don't know if I'd recommend them, especially if you're reading them in English.
There were parts I really liked, but overall it's hard to say they were good.

nobody likes mary sues
you're just being an obnoxious devils-advocate playing sycophant for a fucking video game character. I refuse to believe you go through life a mindless optimist that "likes" things like this shit character, it is fucking stupid.

The short stories are very good and arent really connected to the main plot except introducing some characters

I'm not playing devils advocate, I liked her well enough. Her story was nothing special, but I liked the character itself.

You should play Thronebreaker if you haven't already. It's a bit on the easy side, even the puzzle fights, but the characters are all great and Meve is bae

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Yes but WHY. You asked him to elaborate and yet you can't provide a coherent reason why you "like" the character to begin with. I get that people sometimes like shit for no reason, but is a universally hated character really one of those things? She has no redeeming qualities.

is she really universally hated or is this one of those Yas Forums memes.
I like her design, I her reactions to Geralts decisions, I enjoyed how she was a literal object to most characters. Its not a deep care but she was fine, like most characters in most rpgs. Shes like an Ashley from Mass Effect.

I would say she is definitely universally hated, especially because of the shit she says to Geralt in the ending.
I also do not see how she is remotely attractive or interesting. Her design is incredibly barebones. She doesn't even have any armor or anything.

>she is definitely universally hated
are you retarded

As far as the books go, I'm not sure whether I like Yennefer or Ciri better. Ciri is a bit of a Mary Sue, so maybe Yennefer? Triss is definitely the worst.

Definitely like Ciri the most in the games, then Yennefer, then Triss. They totally robbed us of the Yennfer and Ciri mother/daughter bonding in the games and Yennefer was quite a bit bitcher than she was in the books.

>I would say she is definitely universally hated

I liked Ciri well enough despite the story being a bit over zealous about her bloodline. She has a decent character arc. Starts as a naive girl and is forced through a violent, often rapey world.

You're also being a bit hysterical about this. The character is not even close to being universally hated or even disliked. It's actually quite the opposite.

ciri is beautiful

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She starts as a naive girl and ends as a naive girl. She doesn't develop worth shit, she just becomes grumpier and better at killing people.

Triss is probably a better waifu overall but Yen is definitely more Geralt's type.

You people are fucking retarded, IGN, Kotaku and shit like that don't even remotely count.

Starts as helpless and develops into being much more confident and competent. She has some speed bumps along the way (goes through a phase of being a shameless bandit), but ultimately pulls herself together by the end. I'd say she's objectively not very naive by the end, but opinions are opinions.

>triss is better but she isn't

Dude, stop screeching like a faggot. She's not even universally disliked on Yas Forums

Obviously he means that he likes Triss more but Yennefer suits Geralt better, retard

built for Big Black Cock

I'll take Triss please

I like triss more, I dont really get what people see in Yen

Mutt's law

I don't like Ciri. She was a grandma in a teenager body.