Devil May Cry 5

Is this game any good or is it zoomer trash? I'm looking for something fun to kill time this weekend.

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GOTY 2019 imo

If you like action games then go ahead, it's great.

What does zoomer trash even mean
Anyway the game's good, it kinda assume you played the other games so story's gonna be wack

>What does zoomer trash even mean
Games where you just mash buttons mindlessly. Is the combat system good?

>Anyway the game's good, it kinda assume you played the other games so story's gonna be wack

Never played any of the other games, but this one seems to get a lot of love.

There's a "History of DMC" option on the main menu to watch a little video to catch you up on the story
>Is the combat system good?
Yeah, its definitely not like nu-GOW

Game's rather easy on your first playthorugh and you can beat it by mashing, the only punishment is a bad score. You have to beat it twice to unlock the actual challenging mode. I have a feeling you might not like it though since the game's obviously aimed at the current generation in its presentation, but objectively it's not a bad game so I could be wrong. Not to mention that it beats anything west has to offer.

>jumping in a franchise spanning 20 years at the last game

Oh yeah and if you end up not liking it, try playing the 1st or 3rd game. Actually play those anyway.

>Is the combat system good?
It’s amazing, but not especially challenging. You can get through most fights by just playing with moderate competence fine, it’s not until DMD (Very Hard) or HAH (you die in 1 hit) modes that you really risk actual failure unless you’re super uncomfortable with the mechanics.

That said, S-Ranking all missions in a given difficulty is the game’s real challenge, and that’s extremely difficult.

Pick the hard difficulty or you'll never have any fun.

S ranks in DMC5 are fucking easy though outside Dante's pants on head retarded Style Points requirements. Hell and Hell is the only mode that's "hard" to S Rank due to one hit meaning you need to start the entire mission over.

The game doesn't offer you the hard difficulty (SoS) on your first playthrough though.

too much fast paced gameplay for boomies better stick to your walking sims

Is there any incentive to go for S rank, or is it basically for self-satisfaction/bragging rights? Are there cool unlockables or anything? Also thank you for the info guys.

S ranks are easy if you tend to get hit very little and know the ins and outs of the combo system well enough to reliably get to S rank quickly and stay between it and SSS almost all the time.

Cheese playing will get you through the game, but S-ranking demands you play it properly. It’s not some herculean effort that filters all but the shittiest shitters (except, again, DMD and HAH), but it definitely represents the game’s ACTUAL challenge to show that you are good at it.

It's mostly just for the Trophy for S Ranking all the Missions, you don't actually unlock anything for doing it.

Nothing but cheevos for getting all S-ranks.

Then again, all you really get for clearing a difficulty is unlocking the next difficulty up, except for DMD where clearing it gets you the Super Costume (which just gives you max everything all the time and makes the game a cakewalk, but guarantees you D-Rank)

Ah ok. I saw screenshots where you can get the Mega Buster which I thought was pretty cool. Figured maybe that was something you only got by being really good at the game or something.

S ranks don't demand much of anything other than knowing how to maintain the Style meter and flat out not dying. I found DMC1 and DMC3 harder to S Rank than DMC4 or DMC5.

Why wouldn't it assume you've played earlier games story wise? They can't pander to newbs cause fans will be pissed.

>zoomer trash
well its not a gacha or battle royale if thats what you mean. I liked it, the combat and music is pretty good, wasnt a fan of the story but I guess I didnt play the other games so maybe I dont get it as much. The cutscenes are kinda cheesy but I really like how they pulled them off though. I've seen gameplay videos of highskilled combo masters I think the skill ceiling is pretty high, there's lots of replay value too.

A lot of DMC5's extra content is Pre Order Bonus/Deluxe Edition stuff. What you unlock in the game are nothing but pallet swap "costumes".

Addendum: the real progression system in the game is Red Orbs; you buy moves with them (and refill Nero’s Breakers with them, and use them as ammo for Dante’s Faust Hat, and can spend them to revive if you die and are too cowardly to restart from the checkpoint), so getting more tends to be your normal objective.

You earn more orbs for playing at a high Style rank and the end-mission result reward gives more orbs for a better rank too. So S-ranking, in a sense, unlocks everything, if only because it reduces the Red Orb grind substantially during normal play.

After about 2 laps through on different difficulties, though, you’ll have basically everything but the Special Taunts bought.

If you don't like it you might as well stop playing new games. Doesn't get much better than this now.

It's good. Too familiar for it to be above good imo. I Can understand why others think it's amazing. Solid 7.5/10

Actually I dispute this; as long as you have a rough idea of who Dante and Vergil are, it’s all pretty clear. Sure, you don’t recognize Trish and she just sorta cold-opens into the game, but shit, the same thing is true of Nico, and that works fine. You’ll miss a lot of little callbacks (and probably wonder why Trish looks so much like Dante’s mom, or if she is in fact Dante’s mom) but you won’t be lost until the big Ganondorf-ass boss reveal.

>being unable to form your own opinions on anything, so you have to use the opinions of a place most commonly referred to as "the asshole of the Internet" to do your thinking for you.
Maximum NPC

DMC5 is one of the few recent games to come out i legitimately enjoyed through and through. It has its issues but none of them stem from modern game design. Its biggest issue being how bland environments are and how straight forward most levels are and outside of DMC1/3 this isn't a new thing to happen to DMC or action games.

In fact im sure most zoomers beat DMC5 on DH one and doned it and had to use gold orbs on Vergil Dante which gave them a awful taste in their mouths so they dropped it realizing they'd get duffed on SoS/DMD

Fuck DMD Urizen 2 though. That tentacle tracks so hard and they did not need to give him a life pool that big. I know hurr durr Faust hat faggotry but otherwise that shit took so much damage. Even with DT Balrog uppercut it only melted like 1/4th of his life if i got two good charges in before he stood up. I gave up on not using check points on that one chapter because it also has the hardest rooms in general.

That tentacle was the bane of my existence on HAH and in BP. Urizen 3 is legitimately easier.

In fairness you do unlock special Taunts (with unique mechanics) for clearing BP and a special Taunt and 2 extra ending cutscenes for clearing the post-credits fights with good performance.

>and had to use gold orbs on Vergil
I didnt use gold orbs but Vergil stopped by progress for a while, most deaths I had in the game were from him, Cerberus killed me once or twice, but vergil probably 10 times. Other then Vergil the rest of DH was relatively simple.

Its clear enough. Its also devil may cry just fuckin watch them do cool shit in the cutscenes and say funny stuff the story is never the highlight of the games.

Vergil’s an amazing fight but god damn what a pace break. He’s the only boss you can’t just keep constant offensive pressure on, because he’s designed to counter your moves rather than just face-tank them with super armor while continuing to attack.

Except, I guess, maybe Cavaliere, but keeping the pressure up on Cav tends to net easy clashes.

Vergil’s super fun but you can clear the first 18 missions without ever having learned any of the skills you need for 19/20.