RE4 Leon: Your right hand comes off?

>RE4 Leon: Your right hand comes off?

>RE4Remake Leon: Your fucking right hand fucking comes off motherfucker?

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damn dude, you suck your dad's dick with that mouth?

Wrong. Salazar will be cut.

"No thanks, faggot!"

>40 seconds later
>"Oh shit... it's that right hand Salazar was talking about..."

No saladler you're tiny time

Objective: Talk to the hand
Achievement unlocked: Handshake

Everything from RE4 will be cut because all of it is racist or sexist or bigoted against midgets.

Yes I saw the thread complaining about swearing in FF7R earlier too

>Time travel to save Luis

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Luis dealing with Las Plagas shenanigans elsewhere in Africa for RE5.2 or some shit would be neat. RE jumped the shark long ago, just drop all pretense and let it become kingdom hearts with less faggy slam poetry and more crazy parasite "zombies".

No retard.

the entire game will be cut because it's not getting a remake, why does anybody believe these baseless rumors?

I don't know about that, I'm replying to at least one

same reason they believe every other rumor that comes out, retardation/naivety

this one is so widespread it's insane though, what a bunch of fucking retards

Everything past the Village will be cut.

Congrats, a 12 hour scenario turns into an hour.

I know dude, i'm so fucking sick of hearing it, and if you say it isn't confirmed they're just like "You cant prove its NOT being made" THAT ISN'T HOW IT FUCKING WORKS YOU GOD DAMN MORON.

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>why would the universally beloved best entry in the entire franchise get a super lucrative remake

The only reason RE3 got a remake was so they could test out the mechanics for the RE4 remake they really wanted.

I see it less like kingdom hearts faggtry and more like a reboot of the whole franchise.
The main storyline was pants on head retarded so I kinda welcome this one since it seems a bit more grounded than shit like code veronica or the kind of shit that even Leon pulled in RE4.

If they changed it from "you're" to "your" it is an improvement.

the newer releases of RE4 actually did censor it to "your"

Ask me how I know you're American

Not him and nobody wants to talk to you in the first place

fixing grammar mistakes is censorship?


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I was just going to hope he was an ESL and somehow made a mistake of thinking any change could be considered censorship.

>First church section
>So many plagos all you can hear is

when did we become so reddit that you fuckheads can't perceive the slightest sarcasm
get out


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You'd be naive to think that the most popular RE game ISN'T getting the remake treatment. It's free money.

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>not getting a remake, why does everyone think that!?
>Capcom has ported it to TWELVE FUCKING SYSTEMS since the original Gamecube release
>Thinking they won't remake/pretty up the graphics to sell it a FIFTITH TIME.

user, are you retarded? It's Capcom's Skyrim. Of course they're going to remake it, idiots buy it.

This, it’s gonna be village, sewers and nest 3

sarcasm is too subtle an art for Yas Forums

Because there is nothing to look forwards to.

Is it being remade? Eventually sure probably, doubt that'd skip it
Is it being remade now? Noone fucking knows

Why remake something that doesn't need a remake?

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Because It's easy to make when you reuse assists from your last game made and the game's original popularity will guarantee sales


>it's not getting a remake
I know this probably wasn't you but this guy's a nigger and so are you. There is a precisely 100% chance that REmake 4 has had some kind of work done for it; even just some concept art.


>why they make something people buy? ??

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I understand that a business wants to make money. Do you want me to explain why Santa doesn't exist too?

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I can sell whatever I want regardless of it's price, quality or utility with enough advertisement and help from long nose friends you retarded neocon.

So theres no source or confirmation of any kind is what youre saying?

>Detras de ti this game was developed by a culturally diverse team of developers from all backgrounds