Riding through the night

>riding through the night
>horse falls with no warning
>get swarmed by armed peasants and a dog

Is there any possible way to get out alive of that situation? I can hardly handle one enemy, but I don't think that If I was a good player I could beat all of them just stunlocking me

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combat against multiple adversaries is the game's biggest problem. I hope you have a backup save.

>riding through the night
Don't do that

This is definitely one of those games where you just have to avoid unwinnable scenarios. I ground my way up to 20 Defense/20 Sword and I still can barely handle an ambush scenario like you described

Run or don't get into that situation in the first place.

I remember that in those cases I just ran. Run until you can fight one enemy 1v1, if you kill him move on to the next that's chasing you, if they catch up just keep running.

train with bernard
don't ride at nights

It's infuriating but I love how varied it can be if your not save scumming.
>tracking down Ginger quest
>run into the bandits at the second camp, die
>make it to 3rd camp, it's dark, decide to go to the inn up the road, ambushed, die
>third time make to the 3rd camp before dark go to take out the bandits, die
>fourth times a charm, get to the bandit camp wait for them to go to bed, they store their gear, ambush them shooting one in the eye and easily dealing with other.
I really like that, games more fun hardcore

I could do wif a bite to eat

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>riding through the night
Dont do that unless you have endgame equipment or using stealth

Can't you do it like old warband? Armor up to the neck, shield and start swinging while strafing. You shouldn't be riding straight into groups at any rate but even in Warband this scenario usually meant death until you had space marine tier armor.


the NPC's in kingdom come from peasant to knight are masters at pulling you off your horse. also, horses get spooked and throw you off when they get hit

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This is the biggest bullshit in melee early-midgame. You get absolutely bullied by every enemy

the auto lock on system makes this strat harder than M&B and spamming swing is a good way to get perfect-parried and riposted, depending on the enemy. Other people have mentioned it but the combat system is optimized for one-on-ones so best course is usually to run away and string the enemies out single file.

If you spot them before getting unhorsed, you can also kite them while taking shots with your bow

The trick is to try and kite everyone in front of you and wait to perfect block/dodge. The icon pops up anytime ANY attacker attacks, not just your target. Perfect block and attack once, rinse and repeat until everyone is dead or gone

>enemy tries to attack you
>perfect guard for guaranteed damage
>repeat until everyone near you is fucking dead
Just get bernie to teach you the technique and sword fights become trivial afterward
What is the best mod for this game? I might give it another play through

Arrows user. If you done them they fall like a sack of potatoes. Armored or not

Not really feasible in a scenario like OP described, plus archery is really unreliable until you get decent equipment, and actually git gud at it

Thanks for all the replies! I'm in love with this game. Can't believe that such a complex open world WRPG flew right under my radar. I mean, I knew that it exists, but never thought it was this deep.

Game is a pathetic clusterfuck of pure trash. Delete and move on with your life. You’ll be happier.

>plus archery is really unreliable until you get decent equipment, and actually git gud at it

There's a simple trick to it. Just don't hold the M1 button. You should be aiming while the initial draw animation is happening then letting go as soon as the arrow is drawn back. The arrow will go exactly where you're aiming. That's how I beat the log mini game after just a few tries

hmmh. reminder to thrust at bandit's unprotected face for quick kills. this works against you too so wear full-face hats even if it fucks your vision

How would this game run on a 1030?

wemod or cheathappens

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>Henry's come to see us!

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I did the research for you, for free, how does it feel?

>see people on my friends list playing this
>send them this or god save you henry or HIYA HENRY
>go back to not speaking to them for months

Is he a member of Arcade Fire?

I beat the log game when I first found it but you're still barely doing any worthwhile damage with the peasant's bow and wounding arrows even if you land an eye shot

>the NPC's in kingdom come from peasant to knight are masters at pulling you off your horse. also, horses get spooked and throw you off when they get hit
you know there are perks to prevent both of those right?


I wasn't asking for any research, I was asking for personal experience or opinions but thanks I guess.

>unenthusiastic "jesus christ be praised"

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after getting my head bashed in the first time I just went to Bernard and he took them out with one swing.

like in every other rpg
train and then kill everything fast
just that it only takes 10 hours at best in cuckdom come to start oneshotting everything

So get the Capon's Bow by winning the competition and then get a few good arrows for fights.

no. i fight on the ground like a manly man

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Pretty sure i have all the perks in horsemanship and still get pulled down by a literal fucking peasant

>have super high sneak skill
>have super high lockpick skill
>can sneak around people day or night no problem
>break into house and perfectly lockpick into trunk downstairs
>its all shit so dont take anything
>the act of closing the chest makes a noise
>6 guards spawn right outside

well fuck me

>get to Runt the Cunt
>he charges me
>retard isn't wearing a helmet
>bean him in the forehead with a mace I bought
>kill him in one hit
How did this fuckwit get to be a leader?

>guards spawn right outside
When are video games going to stop doing this shit? All those cool as fuck 90's heist movies where they know the police response times but the rattay militia are there as soon as someone even thinks they've witnessed a crime