Starcraft 2
2020 GSL S1 Code S RO24 Group C

Casters: Tasteless and Artosis

Group C: Zest, DRG, Impact, Cure

Stream: youtube.com/watch?v=Yo1Bx8GcX1I

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zest and cure will advance

Zests IQ is low

>Yas Forums posting about a Starcraft e-sports shit no one cares about.


Alternately, didn't we exile you fucks to /vg/?

/vg/ exiled us to some other site so we came back

>no one cares about
Starcraft is the only Blizzard game Yas Forums still cares about after WC3 got butchered.

>every country is has shut down
>the gooks are still organizing e sports events to play starcraft

Tasteless 100% has corona, there are times he turns away from the mic to cough uncontrollably and doesn't mute it in time.

be sure to check your spam folder, user

DRG pls

>DT rush
>into archon warp prism micro

Zest is a nigger, jesus christ.

yeah how dare he use his units

why does tastelss looks like an Amish, jesus christ they have aged like milk

I'm not blaming him for slapping DRGs shit but it didn't have to be that much of an ass kicking.

he is an alcoholic, all he does is sleep in until midday, play vidya and watch gdq and drink


Fuck yes! I love watching this game and have no interest in playing it

sad, most people that watch gsl have played at least brood war if not sc2

Tasteless really got a TASTE for korean food

>S1 Code S RO24

No idea what this means. Whys this shit so complicated?

Season 1

>Code S
Highest tier of play, higher than Code A

Round of 24

How low is your IQ? Honestly?

>Casters: Tasteless and Artosis
They're still going? Did they divorce their wives and get married yet?

>korea time threads in 2020

ooooooh baby im in this bitch

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Artosis is married and has kids.
Tasteless is still single and an alcoholic wastoid.


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he also smokes so could be any related illness

God I miss iNcontroL
The jokes were amazing

How many rounds are there?

Best of 3.

different user, but my wrists cant handle much over 100 apm, I'd like to play more but it's not worth being stuck at plat

Season 1? This is a new league or new season for the year?

New season for this year

Is GSL considered the top league for SC2? Or is it the only one these days?

There's GSL, ESL, and a few smaller tournaments. There was GSL Super Tournament earlier this year

There's ASL for Brood War still running too