I finally tried monster hunter generations, and actually had fun with it

I finally tried monster hunter generations, and actually had fun with it.
So, why Yas Forums hates this game?

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Console wars. Real MH autists don't café about that.

Play monster hunter world. It's better in every way

I don't understand either. I played a bit of 3U, 120 hours of 4U, and when I picked up Gen on 3DS it was the same exact shit. It's still fun.

Play Freedom Unite. It's better in every way

I think everyone hated that it was the same shit minus Hunter Arts. Say what you want but Monster Hunter World was the breath of fresh air after the stagnation of the series in terms of gameplay/graphics after 4U on.

definitely wouldn't say that, both have their positives

was right, see

Fuck off. World is the best monster hunter and its not even close.

oldschool mh > shitty casual world trash

Nope. Old monster hunter games are shit

t. filtered

>Yas Forums hates MH:GU

All I see is Yas Forums shilling this in MHW threads. Where are you getting that from?


Airplane dragon is dumb.

He's great though

much better than mhw trash
>scaling multiplayer


Console wars. It's a pretty great entry. I find myself coming back to it often.

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dumb fun

>mfw like both GU and World

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It lacks a lot of the QoL improvements that MHW has. Things like a load screne every time you move to a new part of an area can really kill your patience.

have fun in world with your extremely boring weapon and armor designs

>not liking Jet Dragon

>thing you do every 10 minutes
>kill your patience

Just compare how long it takes to get from your camp to the furthest point of map in both World and OldMH.

Underage b&.

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Most people didn't. He didn't even land #10 in the popularity contest despite being a flagship, which is crazy because flagship's are always popular. For comparison, Nerg is already much more liked than him, and in like half the time.

>Arts are completely fucking stupid
>Deviants were a good idea, but the ticket system is beyond retarded
>Gathering quests out the fucking ass in story mode
>""""Incredible""" monster roster is filled with filler monsters that have literally no good gear, and optional, so you will probably never fight them
It's trash. Plain and simple.

Underage/retarded console wars faggots

It and Generations are the worst monster hunter games. It was a step down from 4U in every way and arts and styles were bad.
World is a better experience in most ways

World has the benefit of being patched to fucking hell and back, especially with IB unfucking shit. The base game was alright but it wasn’t the masterpiece everyone makes it out to be.