R6 Siege

>first year is fun as fuck semi tactical military shooter
>game suddenly turns into an actual hero shooter with Tumblr fanfic tier writing, unrealistic sci-fi gadgets, passive abilities and ugly cosmetics

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That's the fate of all long running online games.

rainbow six died for this.
zoomers don't realise how based the vegas games were


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>this is based according to you

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This. Vegas was pure zoomer


better than the low poly shit of the 90s fuck you

shut up nigger

Remember what died for siege.

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Yes, there were plenty of 15-16 year olds playing Vegas/Vegas 2

>better than the low poly shit of the 90s
retarded zoomer

>Remember what died for siege.
Based. Patriots looked like a "cinematic" COD clone.

Thank g-d it died

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>unrealistic sci-fi gadgets
Yeah, how the fuck did they think a portable EMP or handheld trophy system was realistic at all

i'm a fucking 23 year old boomer not a zoomer

mate i uh
dont know how to tell you this
generation z started at 96
you're a zoomer.

>i'm a fucking 23 year old boomer not a zoomer


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>the thing has pandered to the biggest market and is now played by the most amount of people
>what do you mean popularity doesnt mean quality?

The game isn't shit if we're just talking about the game. But what they've done to the theme is ridiculous.

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The latest op they released is from the moon and can deploy controllable holograms of herself

rainbow six is not in the real world, user.

I understand that and the initial operators aren't all 100% realistic, but they don't stray that far into sci-fi either. Sledge has a hammer.

>Birthplace: Katwijk, the Netherlands

Dropped that shit when Pick & Ban made most of the DLC ops worth buying irrelevant. No refunds, of course.

The cosmetics are definitely a bit much, but that's just what they're shooting for. It doesn't matter to me too much, but then again I liked and bought the Smoke elite.
I kind of burned out right before Shifting Tides though. Barely played that season, and even though I bought the season pass for this year I haven't played this season at all.
I still watch youtube videos of it all the time, just busy with other games.

>first year is fun as fuck
What is it with this revisionism? Siege's first year was absolutely horrid.

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I need a translation

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No it wasn't

>balance changes every two months for e-sports
Having e-sport fags balance your game is a mistake

I'm only saying that Rainbow Six is a fictional universe which is a bit ahead of us in technology. Nothing in it is really that far outside their realm so far.

raven shield shits on vegas without effort

Absolutely not

Are you really criticizing an April's Fools event? Rainbow is magic was amazing because it runs contrary to the aesthetic of the game. I agree the skins and character designs took a turn for the worse

yes, it was. if you had actually played the amount of bugs, server issues and other trash made it terrible

type "rainbow six 3 gameplay" and "rainbow six vegas gameplay" on youtube and come back to me in an hour and type your crap again if you dare, retard

>ywn get a free diamond rank on blood orchid because mm distribution was fucked up


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give tips to get gud at korean qt user

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Use her SMG-12

It has to be said, I love me some albino space waifu... but no way it fits the theme of a game about worldwide special operators. That just isn't the theme anymore. I have to admit, something is lost in that process.

>zoomer- the game
You need to be a 16 year old kid on adderall to do well in this game.

It's a siege x girls frontline reference
I guess the dude in the back is dicking 416

Aren’t most of the pros and top tier players boomers?

look like zoomers to me

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