What is the appeal? even non-Japanese games wank the Katana

What is the appeal? even non-Japanese games wank the Katana.

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it attacks faster than the eye can see so it saves the animators a lot of work

Non-Autistic response here...
It just looks cool and a lot of cool characters in fiction use them.

is there a better sword in the same weight category?

This. Also katanas are generally much lighter than western swords so it saves power on the CPU

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

It does look cool, and they always have really fancy handles
I'm convinced most Japanese weapons are "rule of cool" first and foremost
like yeah I get that a european longsword or a roman gladius is a better weapon fundamentaly but they never look as cool

It's very cool. Coolest eastern sword by far. Coolest western sword is the family of rapier-like weapons.

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a longsword

A roman gladius isn't an inherently better weapon.

Rapier > Katana > Broadsword

>It just looks cool and a lot of cool characters in fiction use them.
Word. Finding this shit in San Andreas was dope

It has a far better lifetime kill ratio.

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pretty much every other sword in the katana's weight category is a better sword. katana's are meme weapons

Literally everyone would use a spear if the rule of cool was abolished.


*blocks your weebism*

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Culturally it feels like there's just a lot more mysticism and reverence toward it and stuff. Even some swordsmiths of the time are memed as legendary. You don't really see that sort of thing from most other cultures.

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pretty sheath, there, Miss

It's cool looking but minimal. There's no fancy shit that serves no practical purpose.


>What's the appeal?
It looks cool. There isn't any other reason for it.

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The wavy inline serves no purpose. So does the elaborate hilt-wrapping. So does the almost useless guard.

>when the blade is cut it's a fucking elongated triangle in shape

Someone post the webm of a broadsword damaging a katana during a test. Then the edit with the broadsword being the one that's damaged.


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Just be glad those xenophobic fucks never went west and discovered damascus. The Katana would be shitting on everything pre-1200 AD

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I've seen shills on here lately telling people to panic buy a gun for defense from societal breakdown. This is absolutely stupid information. For a third of the price, you can get a Katana instead, which is a far more useful weapon.

Firstly, let me give you some background on myself, so that you may validate my knowledge on the subject. I am a 31 year old Hāfu (ハーフ, "half") from Wisconsin. My mother's great-grandmother was full-blooded Japanese from Okinawa. Otherwise I am of German ancestry. I actually only learned this recently after taking an ancestry test and showing my mother the results. With that said, I wasn't surprised. I always felt more Japanese than American anyways. You might say I was somewhat of a Japanophile without ever knowing it as a child. For example, I owned the original Pokemon GameBoy games before they made the English Version. Yes, that's right, I had the Japanese versions of the game. This is where I probably passively learned how to speak decent Japanese in hindsight. Fast-forward about two decades and I am living in Tokyo for 6 months on a student Visa. I was studying traditional Japanese martial arts, and history. Well, that's enough about me. I'm sure that tells you enough on whether or not I know what I'm talking about.

Firearm Pros:
- Ranged attack.
- Easy to use, even if unskilled.
- Allows people who aren't brave to engage in combat from a safe distance.

Firearm Cons:
- Expensive.
- Close combat.
- Finite ammunition.
- They jam when you need them.
- Loud and they kick very hard.
- Cowards weapon of choice.

Katana Pros:
- Close to medium combat.
- Fast.
- Silent.
- Can defeat most armor.
- Can cut the barrel of a firearm in half, rendering it useless.
- Lasts for generations.
- Superior craftmanship.
- Inexpensive.

Katana cons:
- Ranged combat.
- Requires a lot of skill to use.
- Requires bravery to engage in combat at close range.

Dual wielding katanas is cool.

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>tfw finally get access to exotic type weapons like the katana in Neverwinter Nights 1

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I love how they never address the fact that she dresses like a hooker

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Isn't the wavy inline to inundate the blade and separate flesh while it slides?
t. historylet

I mean some would argue that the breadth of the holy roman empire invalidates that opinion but you are right


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The only reason Japan doesn't encapsulate all of eastern Eurasia is because of this singular man. No, that is not even slightly an exaggeration.

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I'm astounded motobe was surprised by this, he really believed in the nippon steel meme

No, it's just a byproduct of the forging process. It's crystalline.


Non-Japanese like it because it looks different and exotic, Japanese like it because it's Japanese. Not that complicated.
It also has a reputation for being anachronistic, which lets it fit in with modern/futuristic settings. In the popular imagination, Japanese army officers and Yakuza are just as likely to use a katana as a samurai.

>You don't really see that sort of thing from most other cultures.
Magical weapons and smiths are literally everywhere in folklore and mythology.

Okay, but what game has the best katana?

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It looks cool and it IS cool.

Katanas are the revolvers of swords, heavily romanticized and look cool as fuck so naturally everyone wants them to be the best weapons

well the fact is that didn't happen, so it doesn't really matter how good they COULD have been, thats not what they DID

The katana itself was little more than a decorative sidearm.


this never gets old..
>crit should be 17-20
>in games where the maximum base crit is 18-20

Kusogemaru is the perfect example of why the katana is shit
>slashing only
>awful jab potential

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Better in what way? A katana isn't a miracle weapon, but it's definitely not inferior to other designs either. Curved swords were in vogue even in Europe for a long time.

Simple yet elegant/cool design, and in video games where people are superhumans and weapons are made of indestructium the real life downsides don't apply.

It's a side effect of the cooling process that gives the blade the curve. The wave is basically where they smear mud or whatever so that part of the blade cools slower than the unexposed part.

As an asian myself I wonder it too
It’s not only katana we have similar things in my country but ignorant westerners only recognize jap ones
>katana sushi manga anime video games samurai ninja jav

It's really fucking sharp. Just google long sword vs katana.

gladius are dope ass looking weapons, and longswords can be as cool as katanas.
falcatas and other curved sword are better though

Either Mitsurugi's katanas in Soul Calibur 2, or Hoahmaru in CvS2.

wow /tg/, why else is it funny?

>Japanese samurai attempts to lock blades with a western swordsman
>katana shatters into shards, piercing the Samurai’s eyes
>tears and blood weaken the structural integrity of his bamboo paper armor
>shards of Japanese Pig iron bounce off the superior western steel armor
>grorious Whaito Knightu chops chink in half

katana are just mainstream meme, partly because of the mega-shitty iron japs had.
Plenty of mega-sword out there in every legends, it's just that japs are naturally autist about stuff.

The wavy line is because of the differential hardening process it goes through, cloth wrapped around ray-skin provides excellent grip, and all of Asia thought that guards that size were adequate.

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If you’re a Frenchman maybe

The Holy Roman Empire managed to wage land wars in a completely terrestrial setting. They never had to worry about a naval assault or landing. If you're trying to dickwave and compare militaries, you need to factor that in. The Japanese Army butchered their way through literally every single Korean and Chinese military throughout history, but the difficulties with landing ships onto the coast was the only thing that made it impossible for them to last for too long while doing it. When I mention Yi Sun Sin, I make mention of a man who single-handedly made it physically impossible for Japan to wage a land war with Korea. If the two nations were connected by land, Japan almost assuredly would have a reach just as far as, if not further than, the HRE. The HRE had an easier time dealing with savages who didn't know how metals worked and spreading culture and politics in BC era. The second they found themselves at war with actual civilization, they collapse like a house of cards.

Not to downplay Admiral Yi's achievements on the sea, but the Japanese forces were soundly defeated on land too.

>It’s not only katana we have similar things in my country
What's your country?


>I mean some would argue that the breadth of the holy roman empire invalidates that opinion
To be fair, most of the holy roman empire was empty land with nothing but wildlife to inhabit it, you don't measure the value of a weapon by how long it rules over deer and sheep, and enemies of rome used gladus style weapons as well.


Japanese iron is SHIT

A lightsaber.

an actual katana will be relatively costly compared to any other weapon though


>Japanese army officers and Yakuza are just as likely to use a katana as a samurai.
As a symbol of status and what-not, not in actual battle.

it is honestly the coolest-looking sword out there.