Chawwote was joined the pawty uwu

chawwote was joined the pawty uwu

Attached: Trials-of-Mana-Vid_11-26-19_Thumbnail.jpg (1280x720, 189.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>autistic pedophile has reposted the thread

I love her

Attached: 1564897677285.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

so how is trials of mana anyway


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Never ceases to amaze me how autistic and depraved people are to make this.

It's just a few regex string replacement. It's not that hard to make actually. You just need some good logic to make the transformed text look convincing.

>Dwagon Quest XI: Echoes of an Ewusive Age[c] is a wowe-pwaying video game devewoped and pubwished by Squawe Enyix. An entwy in the wong-wunnying Dwagon Quest video game sewies, it was weweased in Japan fow the Nyintendo 3DS and PwayStation 4 in Juwy 2017, and wowwdwide fow the PwayStation 4 and Micwosoft Windows in Septembew 2018. An enhanced vewsion fow the Nyintendo Switch, Dwagon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Ewusive Age - Definyitive Edition, was weweased in Septembew 2019.

>Whiwe many cwitics considewed the game to be the best in the sewies, as weww as onye of the best contempowawy JWPGs uvwaww, many othews had cwiticism uvw its uvwwy twaditionyaw and nyon-innyovative design. The game's pwotagonyist awso appeaws as a pwayabwe chawactew in the 2018 cwossuvw fighting game Supew Smash Bwos. Uwtimate. The game had shipped uvw 5.5 miwwion copies wowwdwide by Decembew 2019.

Not really the difficulty in making it, it's the fact that someone wanted this to be made.

the only good stuff to come out of tv is the cunnyposting


what is the proper way to pronounce this


i have a speech impediment and cant pronounce Rs properly in some words, specifically "er", it sounds like "ehh".

just wanted to share it

Stfu OP. Anyways is the demo any good?


i just dont ever say words that end in "er"

niggehhing it up.

It's a face you dumb shits.

It's just shitposting with code, relax fag.

ah so you say nigga instead?

imagine being american

I think its aa-woo-o

>tfw have to wait an extra week

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Going to go out on a limb and try to actually talk about the game. Difficulty wise is too easy, even on hard, but it plays really well. Love the verticility of it and how it lends to exploration, love how you can now do combos, including air attacks. English voice acting is... meh. The actual game itself looks gorgeous, remixed music is great. Overall, a decent remake to be sure.

Sounds like I'll pick it up then
Is there coop?

Why do you assholes do this to yourselves and then lament about it later? Should have just opted for pre-order at a brick and morter store.


I'll put off grabbing it, need to finish Doom Eternal and FF7R first

I live in a rural area and it's not worth the gas money to drive out into the city for just one video game, and the stores are closed due to a global pandemic anyway.
I can actually wait an extra week anyway. I have patience.

idk if i should get it for pc or for switch
any differences besides 30 and 60fps?

What I mean is, pre-order it last month or something, before the pandemic. There's still curbside pickups.

and thats why you didnt get quints faggggg

Attached: kermitpunch.png (860x842, 589.19K)

switch has slightly faster loadtimes and slightly lower graphic fidelity

Virtually no difference at all. Really doesn't matter which version you get. Just go with your favorite platform user.