Linux has games

linux has games

Attached: gnu_laugh.png (1200x796, 595.9K)

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It has Windows games if you enable Proton in Steam.

sounds good but i'd rather run a game in windows than run a game in windows in linux

that's cool
nobody is forcing you to be woke activist who wants to change the world for the better

yeah but who wants to still play games from 1998?
not only that, who has so little self respect for their own time to waste it making linux work when everything on windows just works straight out of the box?

How does a kernel have games?

Linux is unironically easier to set up and use than Windows 8 or 10


>who has so little self respect for their own time to waste
everyone on Yas Forums qualifies

> 1998

How do I get steel panthers 2 to work?

how much meme magic would be needed to push that to around 5% ?

Do you seriously think that?

he did say "unironically", which usually means he is serious

Then he's lying. Setting up Win8.1 or 10 is much easier and keep in mind you probably don't need it anyway since it comes pre-installed.
Most games work out-of-the-box on Windows

I'm a Linux user but gaming really isn't a selling point for it. Gaming just about weeks for some games. There's always a performance trade-off and native ports don't make commercial sense.
That said, if you are interested in operating systems or programming then there are plenty of reasons to use Linux. It's fun and you learn skills that can - eventually - make you money.

>what is subjective opinion

The install process is basically identical except that on Windows you have to also opt out of a bunch of telemetry and advertising. So I would say Windows is marginally more difficult to install.
You are correct about games working out of the box though.


This, and I rarely play new shit anyway so Wine is sufficient for non-native games.

Attached: 1397637941427.png (1280x720, 669.62K)

On Good Friday in 1930, the BBC reported, “There is no news.” Instead, they played piano music.

sounds comfy

Have you contributed to ProtonDB today? I still think the site's game rating system is a bit fucked, but individual reports are still useful if filled out correctly.

Log in with your Steam account, click "Explore" at the top, click the "Library" and "Lack Reports" filters, and submit a report for a game that really needs one.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-17 18-26-11.png (957x609, 131.31K)

>probably don't need it anyway since it comes pre-installed.
this is literally the only reason why most people use windows.

o shit, thank you for reminding me
use this list to check which of the games could use a report:

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-18 ProtonDB Gaming reports for Linux using Proton and Steam Play.png (948x596, 547.35K)

Not really.
Just installed Manjaro on my NVMe drive.
While it does feel faster/snappier than W10LTSC, I don't even know if I have the correct drivers installed.
Allegedly it comes with the install but I got some vesa drivers for my 5700XT. In RE2R it shows up as 0GB but the run starts fine, until I leave the gas station.

For some reason Steam can't load games on other drivers and it doesn't even detect the shit I had on my C: drive.
After a restart every game/SteamLibrary folder is now gone again.
Maybe I should stay on W10 LTSC for games and then boot into Linux for fucking around on the Internet/jack off.
And maybe when doing some work which I rarely do anyways. I use libreoffice on W10 too so that's not a big deal.
Linux might be better than ever for games but it still seems shit.
It's like the only issue that holds it back

How would an GT 1030 preform with DXVK? i need something i could replace my ancient GTS 450 on my htpc

The number of Windows games "just work" on Linux just by checking a box in Steam is pretty impressive. Sure, not everything works, and if you want to play games with anti-cheat and DRM, you're going to have a bad time. But I think people who never used Linux have the impression that it's a lot of work to get any game running, and it's really not.

>For some reason Steam can't load games on other drivers and it doesn't even detect the shit I had on my C: drive.
You mean you're on Linux trying to use Steam to run a game that was installed on a Windows partition of a separate drive? Sounds like you're making your life more complicated for no reason. Just enable Steam Play and let Steam install the game.

Imagine not using gentoo

m8. Now, if you were talking about Resident Evil 6, we might be on to something. I still can't get Windows Media Player installed so I can play the damn game.

Attached: 1567046072882.png (950x524, 277.41K)

did you check that your Windows partition is even mounted in Manjaro and that it is on the list in Steam settings (Downloads -> Content Libraries -> Steam Library Folders)
Not sure about NVMe, haven't played around with those yet.
Sounds like a bit of troubleshooting stands between you and freedom.
Best to ask in some actual Linux communities where people know about this shit more than Yas Forums does

So they say, but in reality it's still lightyears behind.

Every person saying "the new steam shit works perfectly out of the box!" deserves a bitch slap. Because it only works ootb if you got a) a high end rig that can bareback the obvious performance hit of linus, and b) lucky that you have the right hardware

I have linux on a partition with a PC that plays my games on high-ultra on Windows, but has tons of issues with games in Linux still. Not to mention the blatant issues with older games being often unsupported.

>For some reason Steam can't load games on other drivers and it doesn't even detect the shit I had on my C: drive.
If that C: drive is on another partition or device, you might need to mount it before launch steam.

>the obvious performance hit
muh sides

>Not to mention the blatant issues with older games being often unsupported.
in my experience, Linux actually handles older games perfectly, even better than Windows, but it has trouble when running newer games
give examples of old unsupported games
you are correct about the hardware lottery though. Hopefully things will keep improving.

>You mean you're on Linux trying to use Steam to run a game that was installed on a Windows partition of a separate drive? Sounds like you're making your life more complicated for no reason. Just enable Steam Play and let Steam install the game.
It's already installed, that's my issue.
The games I downloaded to the Linux partition worked alright so far (AoE2DE allegedly still has some MP issues though)
Dunno man, it's stuck on the loading screen after I'm done with the gas station
Seems like it's some Linux issue and there is a guide for getting RE2R to run properly. A bit of a hassle compared to just download and play it. It seems to run better after I installed vesa drivers. The whole concept of having drivers and get them (and other shit) updated so fast and easily seems pretty weird
Still kind of weird that it shows 0GB in the graphics settings.
Installation and some pretty shallow usage like office or just browsing/shitposting (like 99% of people) it doesn't make any difference though
People who have no idea what they're doing are clueless no matter if you hand them Windows, Linux or MacOS. They don't really care either.
I can access the drive just fine. Games that have been installed from W10 to those drives don't start though.
The games on the C: drive just don't accepted by Steam. I even moved them from the Steam folder (steamapps/common) to a "SteamLibrary" folder but still no luck.

Is your Windows drive NTFS? If so, try installing ntfs-3g and mount the drive with that. Although if RE2 is actually loading, then I'm not sure how much that will help. I know that on my end, games wouldn't load due to "ownership" issues, but NTFS-3G fixed that.