People are seriously defending this "remake"

>people are seriously defending this "remake"

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A smash thread died for this.

They really are. Whats funny is if you argue enough they will go from
>the changes are good, why would you want the same thing
>its still basically the same plot, stop complaining

Technically speaking both of those are true.
It is both the same plot and has changes.

Remember the WRPG vs JRPG fag who got raped by his barber?

>>people are seriously defending this "remake"
Yeah, it's fun to play. Who cares about some boomer story anyway? LOL!

It's not a remake.
Remake is a subtitle for this sequel.

Can someone post the screenshot of that inexcusable skybox? I can't find it.

>chadleys an android
>lashleys a nomura self insert cuck
>sephiroth is gay super gay
>roche is gay and not even hot blooded barra they were going for
>time jannies
>hojo gets kidnapped by ghost
>reno has ghost help
>hard edge looks fucking stupid and is too big
>can't explore the upper plate
>red xiii is fucking unplayable
>when party get 0 hp they 're down like in skyrim


With all these waifu threads popping up then I say yes.

ghosts are dumb. saving avalanche was dumb. barret not creating the group and it was just a spintercell was dumb. motorbike KH character was dumb

but honestly after seething for a while i got over it. it'll at least be interesting to see redone HD versions of costa del sol, cosmo canyon and gold saucer.

It really baffles me. It's literally indefensible, yet people still do it.

It's ok to enjoy it for its own sake, but there are people who are saying it's an improvement over the original. Absolutely fucking retarded.

Did something happen in Japan that we should be aware about?

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Nevermind. Found it.

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reminds me of

Midgar is Brazil.

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only kh shills are

schizos are seriously defending this "remake"

yes it's a remake, they remaking ff7 not remastering

KH fags know Nomura is a hack


they reused the red xiii ending footage from AC too
fuckin sad

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>not even trying to argue that its good anymore
>reduced to arguing semantics of what "remake" means
Is this what happens to your brain on KH?

they literally cocksuck him like he's god

The story is still the same, stop Shinra and Sephiroth from fucking up the planet. If all you wanted was the original game with better textures what you were looking for was a remaster. I know Americans struggle with reading comprehension but you can literally just google the words remake and remaster to learn the difference.

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We know, they did a bad job though

>tells the same story as the original
Not so fast, faggot.
Its either the same story, or the changes were VISIONARY and SUBVERSIVE and META
You can't spout both between sucking cocks.

This bitching is tiresome, but at least there's OC.

It WILL BE the same story.
At the end of the final episode of the FFVII Remake series timelines will converge to the one true original timeline of 1997 FFVII.
Everything that happened and will happen in the Remake series will be compatible with the original story because of this.
Aerith will die so Holy can be cast (though her death may happen in a different way), Wedge and Biggs will die at some point too as a consequence of true fate. When Sephiroth is defeated and he returns to the lifestream, fates will converge and there will be at least two timelines (possibly three with Zack's survival timeline being the third) leading to the same ending. Sephiroth will then lose the ability to traverse timelines, and there will be one true story: the original story across all timelines, with the course of events slightly altered, but heading towards the same fate.
FFVII REMAKE is the same story retold.
FFVII's story stays true.
And the illusion of retcon will vanish.
Screencap this.

Attached: re-make.jpg (1920x1080, 1.35M)

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>Screencap this
Nigger, I'm not even reading it.
No one but autists has time for this KH bullshit theorycrafting.
It will not be the same story. That's the whole point of the time jannies and later defeating them. So that they can do whatever they want with the FFVII characters.

Timey wimmy doctor who shit. Say it right nomura ass licker.


The same broad strokes are there. Shinra will be stopped and Sephiroth will die. The planet will be saved.

How they end in this conclusion may differ but it's still the same story you dumb 56%er

My God the cope

>barret not creating the group and it was just a spintercell was dumb

People always forget that this isn't true, and it's something I forgot until playing through it again recently myself. When you arrive in Cosmo Canyon, Barret says that he always wanted to go visit. He later says that he promised to take Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie there when they beat Shinra, and also that Avalanche was born there. And in the first reactor Biggs mentions the people who died to get the codes they needed, so even in the original, Avalanche didn't start with Barret. We just don't know what happened to the others, it can be assumed that Barret's group was the only one left.

>The only thing that matters is that the basic outline of the story is the same

This is retarded reasoning. The details of individual scenes matter, otherwise you could just change everything BUT the basic outline and say "Look, it's faithful!"

If you take a story and retain its shell but completely change the contents, that's not being faithful to the story.

Time Jannies is the best meme

I'm really glad twitch exists. It saved me from wasting money on a DBZ anime and an FF movie this year.

I predicted this will happen as soon as the first leaks came out. It's like this ultimate form of contrarianism where one claims something is perfect and defends it just because it makes others mad. That and this board is filled with young people with no taste.

>The same broad strokes are there. Shinra will be stopped and Sephiroth will die. The planet will be saved.
I cannot wait for Part 2, to see you KH niggers suddenly start with "WELL NO ONE SAID IT HAD TO FOLLOW THE ORIGINAL STORY"

>we're gonna remake FF7 but this time everybody who dies comes back to life
If you think this is okay then you're a dipshit. Don't @ me.

>tells the same story as the original
replaying the original now - I haven't seen any time ghosts. guess it's false advertising, then.

Thanks doc.

of all the things they could have changed about ffvii, adding a parallel universe time travel plot was THE worst thing, why not remake ffviii which has time travel as a core component? why destroy vii with your "i played undertale and every game needs that plot now, I tesuya nomura will make a better ffvii" shtick?
im really disappointed with the remake...

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this sword is souless.

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No wonder S U B V E R S I O N retards love this shit

microscopic nitpick, but I really don't like how those two recesses are materia slots now

come to think of it, I don't really hate anything huge in this game
I just dislike about a billion small things

what the fuck. what kind of studio dysfunction ships this in a AAA title? is this only on screen for a few seconds?

Was that it? The nebula at the end with Sephiroth leaving Cloud, making him look up in the sky? Safer Sephiroth?