All games on the market go down in price

>All games on the market go down in price
>Many actual amazing games

Why is this?

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Her breasts are just a tad too large. Why isn't she putting a bra on?

this thread will now die

Go away fatty

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imagine the paizuri

You just said amazing games, so how's Nintendo supposed to do it?

nintendo japs are leeches

Soiboys bois will pay any price for the BingBingWahoo machine games so they have no reason to decrease game price.

Who is this and can I have sex with her?

mmmmmmm boobie i liek boobie haha touch my pepee now

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Chads only with charisma

>mmmmmmm boobie i liek boobie haha touch my pepee now

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>mmmmmmm boobie i liek boobie haha touch my pepee now

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We literally just had this thread. Go back to /lgbt and have your tranny roleplay sessions there instead, you fucking degenerate.

wow is that a pepejack? Its so weird that I haven't seen one until now

>when your thread is so shitty and uninteresting that you need to attach huge anime tits to lure in all the coomers

It's a smart business move to sell copies at full price over a long period of time rather than slash it down to $20.

Evergreen titles like Mario Kart and Smash will continue to sell copies.

What does being a slutty girl everyone wants to creampie into feel like?

This, but unironically. Look at those big puppers, holy shit!

What a Zeus-like jawline. It’s not fucking fair bros.

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Why the crusage against drawn women? When did 4chins become full of puritans?

They're seething commies. Just ignore them and they'll join the 41% in due time.

Salty bags of coins

(you) are now Riamu, a famous idol

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Not vidya, blue board. Coomers deserve the rope.

Nah I love sex just with real women lmao. Anime is so fucking cringe and loser weeb incels deserved to be mocked.
>f-fuck o-off n-normie
Nah, this ain’t your safe space chief. You’re an impotent little bitch who won’t do shit LOL

>why are people tired of coomers

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Whelp, time to go take a shower, I guess!

fitting since i'm depressed and longing for death

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>implying snoybois aren't the real soibois
Can't spell snoy without s o y.

ni(gger)ntendo is shit thats why. overpriced games, overpriced console

And that's why I prefer sony

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> $20
More like $5. All these games drop in price because they are shovelware. Look at something like bloodborne that barely hit 2 million copies.

Nintendo games have been going on sale during 9th gen more than any other gen. Even the big games go down to $30-$40 every year.

Cope, seethe, and dilate snoycuck.

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Imagine, just IMAGINE owning a Cringetendo Shitch hahahahahahahahahaha