I've never been more uncomfortable and scared playing a game

I've never been more uncomfortable and scared playing a game.

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then you are a vagina and should contemplate suicide

Try Thief, it's made in the same engine

Stay out of the mall, it crawls.

It's great, isn't it

L-loook at you, hacker...

>be 12
>play SS2
>hear *clank* *clank*
>this bitch pops up from a corner one millisecond after

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It came out when I was 10 and I've been scared shitless by it.

I still remember reading the reviews in gaming magazines how the authors said that the game made them run through the hallways with 180 pulse.
when I finally played it myself I spent 45 minutes sitting on a box in the corner of one of the early cargo rooms with the pipe in my hand because I was sure I heard a noise.

I only beat the game because my soundcard died and without sound it wasn't scary anymore.

Yeah I've played it before.Thief was unexpectedly comfy despite all that zombie and hammerite ghosts stuff while this game just makes my skin crawl for some reason.

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I've never been more comfortable playing a game

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poor girls

System Shock 2 looks like that!?

Cute haircut.

>What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to a mind? Our unity is full of wonder, which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive.

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I wish Shodan was my gf

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fun fact: Viktoria is voiced by Terri Brosius from the band Tribe, who also voiced Shodan, some members of the band where involved in the soundtrack of both games, they also created the video game studio Harmonix


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As the game even with mods ages it will become harder and harder to relive the experience. But even after 4-5 play throughs I still feel the dread and horror of exploring the ship with horrible shrieking in background juxtaposed with comfy sci-fi aesthetics.

There's so little art, let alone porn of her.

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fun fact: the members of the band were all working on the game directly

they have two choices:
- You can lose your job forever and live in an unemployed hell for a long time.
- sacrifice half of your body only to keep a shitty job.
The real horror in this game is the consequence of an Objectivist society. Multinational conglomerates can sacrifice you just like a chess piece.

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I wish there was more. The way she says "Who are you?" in this message really makes my pp hard

And they do.
And post -modern man is ok with this.
Oh well.
This is the future you chose. ;)

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Don't mind me, just posting best girl

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OP didn't say he disliked feeling that way. Maybe you're the pussy here?

very impressive sense of scale, definitely feels like a space station/vessel.

based ricardo blasting digital thots

Wish Shodan possessed her instead.

If you actually go to meet her and find her dead body, Shodan will take some cyber modules away from you, because she told you not to meet Delacroix.