You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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>You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Mating press Jessie!


where the fuck is the sfm models

>no bush
no thanks

go fuck a tree you plant-loving hippie

Is that Yuri Sakazaki?

She needs fatter thighs and pubic hair

Her penis is too small for peak performance.

How the fuck did you rip the model

might as well fuck a gorilla

cool, can't wait to jerk off to the porn of her getting fucked in the ass


I would unironically probably enjoy it, as would any straight male.

Where's the pussy hair

i'm not attracted to jessie i'm attracted to her boobplate

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i bet she is flat as a pancake underneath

i bet her chest is caved in underneath

I hate boobplates, any melee weapon would be redirected right into the middle of the armor aka the sternum

post good female armor designs

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the breastplate was completely flat before she put it on.

why are we calling it a plate then?

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>posts completely off topic
fuck off

Um, yeah, that’s gonna be a big fat “cope,” from me, pal

See, that's good design as well. I think it even adds to the allure of the woman in question because you can't immediately pick out her figure, you can only fantasize and imagine what's hiding underneath

>post a movie prop

At least post a real breastplate. Notice how it's designed to redirect blows AWAY from the body and breastplates fell out of fashion by 1000 AD and weren't really used until the gunpowder eras of the 15th century. You're a faggot

fuck you armor thread

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Platemail was strong enough that even a direct hit right in between the platemail boobs would not penetrate it. You didn't kill plate wearers, you disabled them and then ransomed them back to your side.

Boob plate is a pointless argument and would not diminish the capability of the armor in any way. You just hate fun.

My waifu, Joan d'Arc, laughs in your direction, heathen

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Who the fuck said anything about penetrating plate? that's fucking retarded. Taking a blow, from any weapon in plate, does not fucking feel good and titty armor would put square into your sternum which would at best, knock the wind out of your lungs and at worst, put you on the ground, which is a death sentence. My boner cannot accept poor combat gear.

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