Great atmosphere

>great atmosphere
>can shoot chink here
>short but tense

Yes I liked Kane and Lynch 2 and I regret the hatefags killed the franchise.

Attached: kane-lynch-2-dog-days-1098.jpg.png (458x458, 214.77K)

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dont forget those unique chinkplastic rifles and SMGs

>he can play games that look like they're filmed with a shit and aids covered lens

At least shotguns worked as they should.

Those are the best kind of lens. Everything looks too clean and plastic these days.

The trailer for this game was KINO. I still watch it every now and then.

>I regret the hatefags killed the franchise.

The devs killed the franchise with all the YouTube filters and shakeycam they put in the game.

When I played it 10 years ago with all default settings on I had no problems. When I returned to it a few months ago I almost puked with shake camera on. Why is that ?

Attached: 1571777562280.jpg (1104x640, 60.83K)


I think TPS games like Gears with massive camera shake were the norm back then. It's a lot more rare to see it now.


it's a mediocre game and one of the most aggressively shilled in the history of the medium. hindsight is 20/20 and you are blind

I liked what they were going for with the visuals and general aesthetic, I digged that coupled with almost oppressive atmospheric ambiance but the gameplay is completely derivative and uninteresting 3rd person shtick that got old 2 hours before I finished it in my 3 hour long run.

why would i want to play as a balding uggo

>one of the most aggressively shilled in the history of the medium
Really? I didn't know about this one until I got Steam notification about its release.

First K&L had some catchy moments like the skyscraper climbing, bank robbery or night club visit. Here it was just a non-stop raw cover system third-person shooter

a few websites fired people for giving the game negative reviews
giantbomb exists because of this game

This. They even portrayed Kane and Lynch as a joke characters in Hitman Absolution where you could even killed them without any consequences.

Yeah exactly, no gameplay variety, not a moment to catch your breath barring the 30ish seconds cutscenes setting the current scene. Maybe it was part of their whole "you the player are the cameraman" thing but it honestly didn't work. Instead it feel like a bunch of maps you shoot through for 3 hours. Ending was really bad as well, it just kinda ends I guess.

I loved the part where I had to follow a guide to get on multiplayer because the game is busted as fuck on steam

Kane and Lynch is a masterpiece, every dog has their day fuck the pigs

This, The Club and Lost Planet 2.

Multiplayer was top kino fags

It turns into a car crash after about half way through. The first game though, now that's an underappreciated classic.

the kino scale was off the chart with this games my god was memes too good for the 360s wish we had this shit now bros.

Only K&L1 had GFWL, Kayne and Lynch 2 is just flat-out broken on steam, not just the multiplayer, devs said they can't do anything about it

Coop was nice in the first one. Dunno about K&L2 but when you played as Lynch you could see his shizo hallucinations.

Nigga i liked k&l2 too but saying it is not an awful games is just not true.

Soundtrack was kino

fire extinguishers very kino

That was Kane & Lynch one

hatefags have nothing to do with it. the story was terrible, the gunplay was done of the worse EVER, ugly graphics, bad camera, wretched controls, and it was at best 5 hours long. 1 did not deserve the hate it got, but 2 deserved every bit for how shit it was.

Misunderstood Ludo, made the "you are the bad guy" message way better than SpecOps.

That's the charm, you sound like one of the hatefags

>explosive fire extinguirshers

Those were chinesee, I'm not surprised they worked like that

Attached: 1552930376500.png (300x301, 181.25K)

gunplay was great, suppression firing, without pinpoint accuracy made it feel so authentic