Nier automata

What went wrong here?

Attached: A2_walk.webm (1520x1080, 1.58M)

Her dick is too small.

ass too big
skin too white

her clothes were torn unsexily
she did not in fact raped 9s

you see those hips?

also wtf, probably the only reason her design didn't earn the game an AO rating is because she's an android lol.

Attached: YoRHa_No.2A.png (1046x2183, 1.24M)

A2 was the only character I liked in this game. The game was bad because you only played as her for about 1/4 of the game or less



i really wanna play this on PC, but i've heard there are some performance issues. i have a decent laptop (8th i7 8750, 1050ti) - could i run it on medium, at least? played a bit of it on ps4 but wanna revisit it

you have better parts then me, i can run this game just fine.

rig's more than enough.
- download FAR to fix resolution
- NAIOM if you're playing with KB+M
- DO NOT use the game's anti-aliasing

She cut her hair. Also not enough commander screen time.

I just started this thanks to gamepass, beat the beginning tutorial but had to cheat to due to no autosave, thought the forced difficulty is horrid design, but the story is interesting, typical anime existentialism but I want to see where it goes and gameplay does seem satisfying. Music is the first thing that sticks out, it's exceptional.I put it on easy, the game pretty much auto plays lol, but having beaten the tutorial there was no way I'd have been able to beat it on normal without check points.

>fighting on stilettos in the desert

you lot used her berserk ability? falling to 1hp felt like too much of a risk

Attached: snek.jpg (604x601, 31.72K)

switch it back to normal. most everybody starts the intro on easy due to how long it goes on for

the first time around, yeah. since finding out about the bunny, i forget it exists

game required grinding unless you ended up underleveled and it took forever to kill shit. that was a deal breaker for me, otherwise it was excellent

if you make me grind shit your game goes in the fucking trash.

thank you, gents

Her Berserk ability was way too strong, and arguably a way to trigger easy mode. If you wanted to feel like an absolute god you could just trigger it and use one of each consumable. Then you do unga bunga damage while taking none.

Game never got a single update on PC because

Been a long time since I played the game (and sacrificed the file). Does she survive in the complete ending?

I came a couple times. Finished 100% the game a few hours ago and deleted my save. I feel good.

A2 is stinky, stinky.
I want to force her to take a bath and get shampoo in her eyes when she splashes around.

Attached: happy guile.png (302x297, 95.83K)

Yes, all three protags survive. Not much to look forward to though.

Of course not

if you sacrificed your file, you saw the true ending, and if you saw the true ending, you know if she survives

>game required grinding unless you ended up underleveled and it took forever to kill shit

No it didn't. You were just garbage at a baby tier easy game. Most shameful.

How did you die in the tutorial? The win button is r1 or RB user. Just hang back and dodge and shoot. Don’t you start with like 10 small recoveries? Press down on d pad and use em too. This game is very far from being difficult.

>game required grinding
>it took forever to kill shit
all of that literally only happens if you're underleveled, and the only way to be underleveled is if you didn't do side quests(or if you did them but ignored enemies whenever you could), so...your fault

If you were under leveled at ANY point, you skipped a lot of enemies. I can’t understand this. It’s like a speedrunner meme. You’re trying to run through the game as fast as possible, not doing side quests, and complaining the 7 hours of story challenged you.

i was surprised too when i found out that there are many people who get extremely frustrated at the tutorial and consider it the hardest part of the game

You don’t have to transport away to respawn the bunny in amusement park, just so you all know. Take the elevator below the beauty machine that died down and back up. I went from 73 to 99 in like 15 minutes?

too much walking

yeah that works because on a technical level it's the same as transporting away, it unloads the park and loads the underground, so everything in the park loads again when you go back up

but a much faster way is to just ramp up the stairs into the park a bit to reach the terminal range, save, and reload

Games that have caused the most seething on Yas Forums
> 1. NieR: Automata
> Power Gap
> 2. Breath of the Wild
> 3. Resident Evil 4
What else?

Doom Eternal
Dark Souls

>Doom Eternal
why? I don't usually go into doom threads

Final Fantasy X
Wind Waker

Marauders and changes in the mechanics such as having to use the chainsaw more

It’s like the same distance to the transporter. Holding the stick is too hard for you?

How did nier cause seething in this board? I had fun with it. Game went pretty retarded toward the end but it wasn’t THAT bad

>It’s like the same distance to the transporter
now that's a fuckin lie

Fuck off retard, this board literally spams 10 seething threads about it every day. Any mention of it in a positive light causes insane amounts of crying & seething from contrarian westernfags, and OG NieR fags assmad that their piece of shit game gets no recognition

Well I’m not on here 24 hours a day like you to know, apparently. This is the first thread I’ve seen about it in a week and that was just 2b fap pic dumping.

>this board literally spams 10 seething threads about it every day
nigger i've been logged on here for 7 days straight and this has to be the 5th Nier thread i've seen on here