>PC is better than conso-

*blocks your path*

Attached: unknown[1].png (3281x1322, 313.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>me unga
>computer bunga

>Random bullshit that the end-user couldn't possibly foresee renders games unplayable

Consoles never have this issue

I'm a retard, what's going on here?

>windows 10
any end user with an iq above 80 could've forseen that fucking something over
consoles are also extremely limited in their capabilities
downgrade to 7 or cry harder

>gets virus from unsupported operating system

what even is this?

been primarily playing on pc for almost 5 years now, never ran into this, or heard about it from anyone i know who uses a PC.

it's been 3 months since end of service for windows 7 and my computer hasn't exploded yet
almost like that's fearmongering and you don't magically start getting viruses when the thing you're using stops being supported, but from doing the same dumb shit that got you viruses beforehand
it's a generic error from powershell, which is win10's version of the command line

Retard, try downloading it from MS instead of trying to look cool by using powershell.

>downgrade to 7 or cry harder
As good as 7 is, theres no reason to downgrade anymore. The difference between a good, usable, spy-free Win 10 and your average cancer-filled Win 10 is the user. If you know what to do, you just get it done and enjoy an actually good Win 10.


>it's been 3 months since end of service for windows 7 and my computer hasn't exploded yet
>almost like that's fearmongering and you don't magically start getting viruses when the thing you're using stops being supported, but from doing the same dumb shit that got you viruses beforehand
This reads like a legitimately tech illiterate wrote it. Critical flaws in the operating system can, and will, get exploited regardless of your actions. Like no shit it's been fine after 3 months, but it'll only get worse over time. Most people sucked it up with Windows 10 or went to Linux.

imagine being to dumb to download net framework

good job

Attached: dadad.jpg (1842x1499, 145.04K)

oh no not the superhackers, i hope they don't backdoor my [website of choice] and upload an embedded exploit that targets windows 7 which automatically downloads itself to my computer and uploads all of my bestiality porn to their servers!
i've been running without an antivirus for years and have run into no issues, unless they find a way to get a super exploit onto my computer and activate it without needing any victim input im sure there's nothing to worry about
and if that does eventually happen i'm sure i'll be on linux because it'll be 2025

what do you even 3.5 for? 4.8 already has those files

>unless they find a way to get a super exploit onto my computer and activate it without needing any victim input
Yes, retard.

well you know what if they do that within the next decade they can have my fucking computer, but until then i'll be playing games that work

also there's a company working on third party security updates for 7 so worst comes to worst and there is a super mega exploit that can download itself onto my computer from superhacker city they'll probably have a patch ready for it

I just would be careful with banking information or anything personal. Plenty of security flaws get patched constantly, but it's very likely that 7 is a good target because of the large user base and lack of updates.

Microsoft will probably also release updates for something major but I wouldn't assume that they'd do it with the urgency of something newer.

Windows 10 has never given me any issues, and I used to swear by win 7.
10 is do flexible now that you can easily swap hard drives between computers and it will still boot.
If you actually have a problem that cant be solved by some googling and not being a retard you are in the massive minority.

Good job on editing the op image faggot.
And if this is Windows 10 it already has 3.5.

I figured this is the place to ask.

I'm thinking of switching to linux finally and just running windows in as a VM for the few games I can't get to work with Linux. How bad of an idea is this?


ahahahaha Yas Forums never ceases to be fuckin gay and stupid as shit holmes shiit pendejos

>too stupid to google shit
sasuga console shitstain

Look up gaming in a virtual machine as I'm sure plenty of people have tried it. Why not dual boot instead?

>linux chads are making fun of us again

Attached: 1333746564799.jpg (450x334, 19.73K)

>swap hard drives between computers and it will still boot.
Would it not with previous versions? I could have sworn I'd done this with an old Vista drive a while back

I tried duel booting but I got tired of having to choose my OS at launch. I'd rather go straight into one OS and then mimic the other one when I wanted to game.

sfc /killallniggers

Ah, I understand that. Yeah I've never personally experimented with it but I think I'm gonna look into it. I'm curious

>Computers offer choice, versatility and customization
>Console baiter focuses on a singular choice/setup
>Baiter fails to realize that unlike consoles, computers are not locked into a single setup because there's nothing stopping or limiting them
Sure is a new and inspiring thread.

Attached: 1576996971989.png (512x512, 703.73K)

>Believing such lie
If you're afraid get an antivirus

>consolecuck is a retard
its a miracle you can even breath.

>Didn't run as admin
>Can't write to the system folder because of that
Good job, retard.

Meanwhile, at op house...
So yes PC is better than consoles.

you only get viruses if you are retarded

have software installed that block malicious software
always virus scan things you download in winrars
never visit an obviously unsafe domain

>use windows 8.1
>haven't updated with any kind of security patches in 3 years
>no antiviruses installed since they're memes
>no problems

It was hit or miss, it depended entirely on drivers required between the 2 computers (mainly drivers relating to the respective motherboards, doubly so during the era of proprietary AHCI shit). Before 7 there was basically no chance of doing that without some issue (it may have made it past boot and got to the desktop but there would be issues somewhere, instability for sure). 7 fixed a lot of that with a lot of bundled generic drivers that could cover most of the needed drivers, and now Windows 10 can check online for any missing required drivers during the boot process making it pretty much flawless.

The advantage of a console is that the hardware used is known to the dev team so they can fine tune the game to work on the hardware, allowing them to stretch what they can do just a little further than you could on a more open system.

PC games will run into issues every now and tend because of the hardware they run onto and more has to do with a corporation being a bitch about proprietary software for their hardware.

>there are simps that threw out their Windows installation discs

I haven't updated my win7 since about 2013 and my PC still hasn't been turned into a deadly explosive by russian super hackers. Exploit boogeyman is literally that, a boogeyman. Just have a backup of your shit and chill.

Yeah I mean I'm an idiot too just finally got a new tower after my last one which was a windows XP, but I had a windows 7 laptop in between, but neither of those were capable of playing big games.
Basically what I'm saying is I've only been pc gaming in the modern age since 2 years ago. Certain games that the company itself did not properly optimize so the community had too and thus I had to fix said game I bought. But the thing is I was able to fix it, with console I'd have to wait for an update.
The PC at least as a legit excuse to not be optimized properly and that's because so many people have different rig types. Whereas console is a one man band and should never have a game fail on it when it was made solely for that system.

that was hard

Attached: op.png (313x43, 2.91K)

It was very rare it would work pre 10. I used to be a computer tech so would be swapping drives around all the time. Unless you could run a repair install it would normally just blue screen on booting.

It's not through executable files. Critical flaws in the OS can be exploited which aren't due to user error

Yeh even changing mobo you don't even need to reinstall or remove all old drivers first.

Viruses no longer attempt to bog down/crash your system anymore. They are all about being as silent as possible and collect whatever personal data you enter.

I guess I was lucky then

if the image is broken then you won't be able to fix shit with those commands. What you should have used is:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

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