The game allows your opponent to cheat

>the game allows your opponent to cheat

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If you're talking about games like Forbidden Memories, where the opponent always knows your hand and has whatever card they need in hand at all times, it's to add challenge to an otherwise easy game.
If it's a game with cheating baked into the rules, git gud.

>fighting games on the hardest difficulty that read your inputs

>game allows your oponnent to cheat
>they still lose and end up dying like a little bitch

it's a ton of bs that the ai always knows which facedown card to target and always have the perfect starting hand to straight up put out negates on everything barring normal summons

I got filtered by the fog stages

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Fuck you Xmen Children of the Atom. Even on easy mode this game was just designed to take your quarters.

>Game has an in-game explanation for why everyone gets to cheat.
>"C-can I do tha-"

Fuck you FFTA

Reminder that you shouldn't feel bad for Joey losing against Marik when he was about to make the final attack. The same thing literally happened in his duel against Odion

>end up dying like a little bitch
The anime is the primary canon, bro

Assuming the opponent doesn't have any facedowns, you basically have to win by continually topdecking to victory.

That show was just too deep for most people. The scene where his friends put their hands together and straight up spiritually protect Yugioh against the watchful eye was fucking faithpilled to the max. No western show would dare do something like this.

I'm watching old Yugioh now. Holy shit its so painful.
>everyone seems to know that pegasus blatantly cheats (pretty sure he even admits it), but ultimately do little to call it out
>Mai Valentine openly cheats by marking her cards
>That said, Mai is based still
>everyone acts like Yugi lost to Kaiba when the equivocal comparison is that Kaiba may as well have drawn a gun on him on the first turn and forced him to surrender. Kaiba lost, but forced yugi to concede by means outside the game. Yugi's friends are shit for putting up with it
>There is little reason as to why in addition of having 10 star chips to make it to the caste, they also needed not one, but 2 special cards to claim the rewards
>Rex Raptor's 10/10 design and theme are fucking wasted
>the field spells were said to take up percentages of the board, but its never expanded upon why this was relevant. A monster would always receive the full benefit regardless of how large the map was
>Apparently Kaiba losing a casual and private duel to Yugi badly damaged the reputation of Kaiba corp. It was never explained how people learned of it since there were only 3 people present at that duel. Also why is the president's skill at a game (that his company didn't make) relevant to the investors of that company?

>tfw instaled the mod that let's the opponent makes the same fusions as the player whenever they can.
>couldn't beat fucking Simon

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>Not learning the laws, and then abusing them to insta win battles

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every yugioh game ever

You should watch the 90's Toei series. Or read the manga.

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Haven’t you watched Rick and Morty?


Don't forget that the fucking protagonist turns out to be cheating, and in a more malicious way than Pegasus/Mai with literally every move he makes. GX is my favourite because the duels are actually pretty good, mostly follows the rules, the protagonist is a good duelist, and everyone's deck has an actual strategy.

if it allows cheating then its not really cheating then now is it?

reminds me of the gambling game in Witcher 2. Literally impossible to get 5 of a kind

>the game puts you arbitrary disadvantages for no reason
Fuck this shit

You think that's bad? Try rewatching something like pokemon.

That was only the shit I thought of off the top. I could get a larger list on any individual episode/duel.

>Get good at fighting games
>Now whenever a game does this I exploit the AI because I know exactly what it's going to on reaction to certain things

Yugi could draw ANY CARD he wanted WHENEVER HE WANTED. They were both cheating, which means they were on equal grounds.

Best Yugioh episode is still one where that dice dude was dueling someone and kept explaining his contrived as fuck turns and the opponent just goes "are you just making this up as you go?" Like holy fuck someone just BTFO the writers hard.

and Joey beat Marik fair and square.

Whats your favorite card Yas Forums?

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>>Apparently Kaiba losing a casual and private duel to Yugi badly damaged the reputation of Kaiba corp. It was never explained how people learned of it since there were only 3 people present at that duel. Also why is the president's skill at a game (that his company didn't make) relevant to the investors of that company?
That’s a consequence of the anime abridging Kaiba’s arc into one episode. In the manga, their was an entire audience. Also after winning, Yami mindfucked him so hard that he went into a coma, which the Pegasus and the Big 5 to advantage of to take control of the company from him

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Better than in Zexal, where the main character's ability is to make cards involving his signature monster up on the spot when he draws. The main character was even tricked to putting a card in his deck that would cause him to lose the game when he drew it, and the motherfucker drew the card and changed it into something else in his hand.

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Ladies and gentlemen, why pot of greed is banned.

I assume this card somehow isnt banned, which really tells me how broken the game must be.

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If not King of the Skull Servants, gotta go with Vampire Vamp.

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As boring as Pokemon can be it at least tried to be consistent. Barring Gen 1 anime where the writers forgot or ignored typing a lot it wasn't too bad (albeit occasional bs like thunder armor or aim for the horn). Really it's more Ash's physical feats that were laughable. Yu-Gi-Oh had a shitload more bs and on a much shorter timescale.

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If I pulled that out, would Pegasus die?

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mind fucked the evil out of him or similar, since early manga yami was both
A: ugly as sin and
B: a complete asshole

>need 4 ancient gear cards and poly
>not even immune to destruction or monster effects except during the battle phase
unga bunga summon skull unga axe of despair beat down, dis card brokeen.

It dies super hard to monster effects outside of the battle phase, plus they can stop you summoning it in the first place.

I enjoy the original series up to and including 5ds

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>ugly as sin
Bitch you take that back right now. Slasher Yugi is aesthetic.