Tell me your dream Star Fox game

Tell me your dream Star Fox game

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A game where you fly into the eye of terror and shoot some nigs

Star Fox 2 or Dillon crossover. Fuck on rails. Outdated boomer meme.

Open world with side-missions hidden in the overworld that serves as a hub for on rails main mission

The intensity of SNES's levels and bosses and 64's cheesiness and route system.

This guy has the right idea.

Attached: Forever_Train_Engineer_SFZ.png (165x166, 24.3K)

It plays more like Sin and Punishment with multiple playable characters.

Thats not even a hard one
I just want a new good star fox game again
Bring back Star Fox 64 gameplay and improve it
Let me choose between Landmaster and arwing like assault

Starfox 64

Starfox assault expanded to have the entire series with dual stick mode as the default control scheme and online play with tons of co-op missions and grounded combat redone by platinum with entire dedicated boss fights and adventure maps like Astal Chain. The space combat would be like like Star Link where you can also customize your vehicles with the decal system from f zero gx. Throw in an oc maker where you can make people who look like all the races from star link. It would be like pso styled instances with a hub for social gathering.

That would be my dream starfox game. You ARE the bounty hunter.

64 but in a different planetary system with more routes and planets, or an Ace Combat styled SF.

Attached: Ace Combat Pixy vs Cipher.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

I'd also like to pay respects to andross and peppy's VAs

gay visual novel and the reward is fox and wolf doing it

star fox was never more than okay

Based Miyamoto

I'm sure someone is going to do that sooner or later.

Just please no more N64 remakes...

all who tried went insane. based gay furs trying to touch the last rare bombshell

That would be pretty cool actually. I really enjoyed Star fox adventures but it felt like it could be improved especially with ACTUAL arwing levels

Name one remake of 64 besides Zero. Gimmick tards need to gtfo.

A retro style game that's tough, short, and cheap. Please no more HD bullshit that has to reinvent the wheel to get people interested as a method of recouping the financial investment associated with a more expensive title.

>tough, short, and cheap

It's Freespace 3/


it has a story that can be expanded in every new dlc/update
you play as fox and you roam inside the great fox talking to you crew and other members that are there, you can start your mission quests but also have optional and online (co-op, versus mode, etc)
arwings can be customize, giving them more maneuver, more power, speed, defense, bomb (of course improving one stat affect the others ex. more laser power means decrease maneuver)
you can hire other members that are within the game for your quests or send them to gather items (minerals, currency, fame, etc)
all planets have more than one mission, each increasing difficulty and have them an on-rail mode mission and an all range mode, some can even be completed on the landmaster, on foot or in the submarine if possible.
while not on a mission you can still fly your arwing to explore your surroundings, destroy enemies passing by, meteors to gain materials or just fly around
online mode have co-op, versus mode and battle royale. versus mode can be varied by up to 16 players up to 4 teams up to 4 members for each team
you can exchange your members, from the classic star fox team to new crew you hire.
in every mission either storymode or optional and even sudden missions you can find a member who you can hire to join your team for gathering, missions or help you improve the interior of your great fox.
depending on who you have in your team, you can unlock special moves and each member can have their own ability

there is potential in it, is just nitendo needs to find the right devs to do it

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Starfox 64 3D and Zero are the only new Starfox games from the past 10 years, user

character creation
that's all

I'd honestly like to see wolf be the antagonist or rather have no antagonist at all and the game have a mercenary system were you compete against other Teams with Wolf being at the top.

It's a Star Wolf game with their own adventures and character dynamics

Well they start out on the Great Fox, but then they have to make an emergency landing on a rural planet, then it turns into an RPG.

>No more HD bullshit
Would any of you object to a Starfox game in the the style of Afterburner?

Attached: Untitled.png (313x221, 18.95K)

that's literally just Star Ocean

and one of them had gimmicks that made me drop the game


remaking 64 isn't the problem with starfox games. trying to re invent the series is whats fucking it over. zero failed because of gimmicks, not because it was a remake.

Regular old space war with a neighbouring system, maybe lizard people. Fox is down and out with nothing to do gets himself involved.
Step 1: get the great fox back in shape as he's been selling parts to get by
Step 2: Put the crew back together, Falco for sure, slippy maybe (maybe as support on the GF), maybe a new character
Step 3: Take the fight to the bad guys by reclaiming territory, taking out hard targets, and being a badass

Keep mostr gameplay the same, fast paced on rails mixed with all range mode stuff. Do jobs to make cash to upgrade/modify your ship(s) as you go. Have a sort of warfront that moves forward or back based on your victories. You can go do missions on the other side but have to punch through a front line to do it. On foot stuff would be fine to change up mission types, but make it more like RE4 or Mass Effect, not fucking Assault.

Lewd Dating sim where you can romance and fuck Fox, Falco, Wolf, Leon, Katt, Krystal, Miyu and Fay

I don't care why Zero failed. I don't really care for any aspect of that game at all other than the fact it had some hard optional content.

Ace Combat in space.