What are some revolutionary games that's had a big impact on the industry as we know it and will always be remembered?

What are some revolutionary games that's had a big impact on the industry as we know it and will always be remembered?

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People always call OOT and Mario 64 revolutionary and won't stop talking about them.

Half Life is the most influential FPS

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In what way?

it turned everything into sluggish cinematic garbage

this bitch didn't even do anything, why does she always get all the credit on social media but in reality, her codes weren't even used.

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the one that does the least amount of work always gets the most amount of recognition.

Half-Life 2
Half-Life Alyx

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Ah. Like Miyamoto.

have you watched interviews? It's because she's able to choke out complete sentences, unlike the typical mongoloids who study particle physics. trying to get someone else on camera would kill funding the way it did in the US

where's the goatse edit

Honestly, Minecraft and Dark Souls. They are two big ones that I see a LOT of games taking inspiration from. Maybe DayZ if you consider it the precursor to modern battle royale games.

Nothing Darksouls did was original. The combat was a copy of OOT. OOT did it first.

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same reason as most scientific achievements. Despite what you might think, most of the people you hear about aren't really the sole amazing genius media portrays them to be. Einstein was smart, but half the time he was parroting things 10s of other scientists had already published or theories that were already widely held. He got popular because he was friends with the media and they loved him.

she cute tho


>(((He))) got popular because (((he))) was friends with the (((media))) and (((they))) loved (((him))).

god tier taste

this is complete bullshit, Einstein's work was highly novel and revolutionary

funnily enough the guy that did 95% of the work was also the one that had to go to twitter to make his shitty pandering post and when everyone started pointing that out all he could say was, "so?"

She's the project lead. Have you ever worked?

Things like the theory of relativity were nothing new. It was theorized long before Einstein ever spouted it. But who gets the credit?

Yeah, I got some hentai I rotate out occasionally in my fap sessions. There are just some that ALWAYS get me to finish...literally every time. For example I've been fapping to Bible Black for years because it always does this job.

Made linearity the new gold standard.

Yeah, it means she does nothing but encourage others to do their jobs then takes all the credit for their work.

Gears of War really fuckin ran with the whole waist high wall cover idea for a while and the industry followed suit


in her defense she tried letting people know about the others who worked on it, it was the media who went with her as the most important one.

Resident Evil 4

Made survival horror into an action genre.


For obvious reasons.

>Made survival horror into an action genre.
That's RE3.

pls respond