

Attached: 1586973635011.jpg (1024x1210, 140.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


doomed thread

Thank you user! You are a good user!

Attached: Cute Snake Wife.jpg (910x1197, 80.2K)

Post your chimera squad Yas Forums

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snaketits gets these threads 404ed
at least post something related to the gameplay
even a tiny smidgy bit instead of only posting vipers and saying "i want to fuck a snake"

Attached: slaps your bus.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

I don't like any of the human characters. It's all been so far people who worked against Advent but didn't have the canollies to join XCOM when it mattered. The others are bad guys who decided to be good guys or get shot.

Can they even call themselves XCOM? They are more of C31PD.

Mods prefer to keep a "wojak edit nr 93245" thread than this one

They are going to delete any thread focusing on viper, try to be more subtle

i don't think they're even called xcom
xcops suits them better since thats all they are, cops
SWAT cops but still, cops

It's going to be these guys once modding picks up and I can port them over.

Attached: Rangers Lead the Way.webm (852x480, 1.65M)


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I just realized.
>covers scaley tatas
>doesn't cover any other part of body
So they cover up the chest because...its immodest? But then, regardless of whether or not they bagina/cloaca near the junction of their hips or further down their body, they don't cover up?


what mod?

Anyone got any idea how long this game is supposed to be? I saw the price was like 10 bones on steam.

There's not much information to discuss other than speculation but also I just really wanna fuck the snake

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Top left Kevlar helmet is from the XCOM EU/EW Ports.
The helmet with goggles is from the CoD combat uniforms pack:
There's an actual PASGAT in there, but it's cover looks way too baggy and I'm not a fan, so I use the french helm with the goggles.
The torso and accessories are a mix of the above Modern Warfare pack and MGSV: BDUs
Camo is United State Woodland m81 from the Military Camoflauge Patterns
Weapons are Resistance Firearms pack:

Protip: use Character Pool Uniforms:
Make one woodland uniform per gender, or multiple if you want a bit of variation. And now new soldiers will generate with said uniform. Mod hasn't been updated since 2016, but still works like a charm. It only doesn't play nice with any other mods that modify or manage uniforms, but if you're using XCOM 2 Mod Manger, it should identify any conflicts like that before you launch.

Attached: That motion blur on the NVGs tho.jpg (2560x1440, 762.76K)

Here's your Viper bro.

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Classic XCOM Fuckup webms.

Attached: my hand slipped - xcom darwin awards.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Why did mods shut the last thread down? Just because a few people talk about the snake girls? Every fucking thread has weird derailments like this why would you shut down a thread because of it

Faceless are the most adorable of the ayys. Their bumbling and fumbling make their antics like something out of a sitcom. What wacky situations is Mr. Floppy going to get into today?

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I love you user

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The human penis goes into the snake vagina to fertilize the snake

You're welcome.
Now slay some ayys in mid 90s US military gear for me.

Attached: Overwatch wo sound.webm (494x278, 2.74M)

doesn't stop you from talking about the previous xcom games though, or the mods, or anything really

Attached: 1586994230895.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Presumably because the chest contains vital organs and having armor along the tail would make it less flexible

Based and canon-pilled

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Thank you user! You are a good user!

Attached: Snake Wife.jpg (4096x2950, 930.99K)

Post more fuck ups

i recently installed UFO: EU and looking at the interface, is this one of those games that expected you to read the manual in order to play?

Have this one where I made the mistake of moving a rookie into half cover on the first mission, instead of full cover.

Attached: Just Monika Slaying Ayys 1.webm (640x360, 3M)

I haven't played any of the previous games I just preordered this because it costs pocket lint and I really wanna fuck the snake

Thensketch looks better

Attached: JVhFEdn.png (1280x1889, 596.51K)

Attached: Just Monika Slaying Ayys 2.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Because its body armor and contorting is the creature's method of locomotion.

>Post more fuck ups
Installing Long War and expecting reasonable health bars.
Or to put sectopods in reasonable spawns.

Attached: eIJmUIO.jpg (1594x1132, 264.41K)

Why do you think they are universally considered so lewd? They go to fucking war bottomless.

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I'd imagine it has something to do with vital organs being concentrated there. Our snakes have their organs spread throughout their bodies with a concentration of vital ones like heart and lungs toward the head. So the inclusion of a human torso likely means the Vipers' stomachs and intestines are lower in the snake part of their body, while their more human chest cavity has a concentration of organs that need protected.

I have no idea what the tits are for though, or where their sex organs would be.

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Why is it that good artists don't put the signature in their images, making me look for the sauce, but shitty artists do?

Isn't that gonna roast it alive?


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i would go to the xeno thread on /aco/ or /trash/ then to satiate your needs
or e621

Attached: big daddy.webm (940x560, 2.59M)

Please post snek and not shitposts about diversity

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True alphas don't feel the urge to broadcast, their works speak for themselves.


I just ended enemy unknow. Its so fucking great from the start to the end. What should I play now?

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Those guard towers are so bogus. You everyone get LoS on you but somehow you never get a good vantage for sniping. The cover always disintegrates in the first few shots leaving your unit with its reproductive organs flipping in the wind.

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Marry the snake and make her a mother

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Attached: Wrong Neighborhood.webm (1000x563, 1.2M)

>all those "what ifs" she must be thinking about saving his comrades
>that complete silence in contrast to the friendly banter she probably had with his teammates before starting the mission
>her failures will haunt her for the next mission aswell with her new squad

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Recommend me more games similar to XCOM. Is Xenonauts good?

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How the fuck does snake ass work?

They're ectothermic. He's fine.

They don't generate body heat stupid.

Human DNA

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If you like og x-com, then yes. But it's a different beast from nuCOM.

Actually, you might enjoy Battletech (2018). Turn based, hex grid, base building and teching up over a campaign as you and your flying merc base go around the periphery smashing people's faces in for money and salvage.
Here's a little vertical slice I recorded, weeb portraits are something I modded in, ignore them:
It's okay.

Attached: Example.png (1994x830, 852.2K)

Right, I got bad brain for a second and forgot how cold blooded works. What if he was in the sun though? Would that be problematic or would it still insulate him?

>military autist also a tasteless weeb
lol like pottery

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>why do human males love these milk containers?

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