What did i just play? Can someone explain the story to me? I had a hard time understanding it

What did i just play? Can someone explain the story to me? I had a hard time understanding it.

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an ai is running a test to see just how much it can manipulate people's actions

babby's first meta

What are you 12?

A playable documentary on the NWO

Sure, I can explain it because I'm a manchild who feels intellectually stimulated by playing crappily written video games. Non-fantasy books are too intimidating you see, so I've dedicated many hours to studying and discussing the work of Hideo Kojima-san

>tfw MGS 3 never ever
And with Fukushima being fucking dead and Konami a non entity now, the dream is finally over.

>mfw I realised the La Li Lu Le Lo were Jews

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It makes much more sense on a 2nd playthrough

Friendly reminder that only curvelets think MGS2 ending was deep

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The Hudson river, 2 years ago we had classified intel that a new type of Metal Gear was scheduled for transport, the whole thing stank but our noses had been out in the cold for too long.

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I bet Kojima was so proud of that shitty line. At least the games don't take themselves seriously.

It's a reproduction of Shadow Moses to train Raiden in the way of Solid but it gets highjacked by the Patriots and Pliskin.

God I hate you. Ugh. I will knock your teeth out, I will break your jaw and I will break your neck. You get in my face with that, I'll beat your god damn ass you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking god damn fucker
You got that? You god damn son of a bitch?

>It's a reproduction of Shadow Moses to train Raiden in the way of Solid
Brainlet detected, it was the complete polar opposite of what you just shat out.
Did you even play the game?
S3 isn't you, a soldier trained in the image of Solid Snake, it is a protocol and a method to shape human consciousness.

>After the end of World War 2, the world was split into two- East and West. This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War.


Are you an attention whore? Go to the wiki faggot.

105IQ pretending to be a 130IQ detected

The game literally says it to you, dumbass, at least play the game first before embarrassing yourself.

i don't care about the story i just want Yas Forums to say the game is shit.

Jesus are you dumb.

Exactly my point, you didn’t infer anything deeper about the game it’s blatantly stated.


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>Can someone explain the story to me?
The Hudson River, two years ago. Snake had classified intelligence that a new type of Metal Gear was scheduled for transport. The whole thing stank, but their noses had been out in the cold too long.

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That guy didn't say he did you moron, he simply told user what it was really about. You're an argumentative idiotic tit but it's okay you've come to the right place.

A test was performed by advanced AI to see how well they could control information, especially during major crisis events. They orchestrated events to play out similar to Shadow Moses because it was a good model for the test to be based on. The primary exercise of the test was to control all information going to Raiden to control his actions.
When they have the data they needed on that they still get to test controlling public information on the events. It doesn't really matter that Raiden finds out their true goals at that point. He doesn't have much choice on what to do as they have Rose as a hostage, and they do still need the situation with Solidus resolved.
All this serves as a basis for MGS4. The proxy war economy and SOP system are based on these principles on a macro scale and probably wouldnt have existed without the S3 testing. Their goal was to control context behind all information in the world, and discard information and ideas they saw as undesirable. This is necessary for all that.

MGS dialogue is kino

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I like the parts in mgs4 where Snake and Raiden reminisce their adventures against the patriots, such as saving the loli and shit like you have already done all that yourself, and then instantly go back to a gay, tap dancing Romanian vampire and Raiden licking each others penises.
I can't believe anyone stayed on with this franchise after that trainwreck.

I wonder if the original pre 9/11 mgs2 build exists somewhere or did they never move past the storyboard with that one.

Kojima is such a childish director sometimes, he decided to turn Raiden into a edgy cyborg ninja wannabe because of the backslash against the character, MGS2 Raiden was trained soldier and arguably even better than Solid Snake and yet people still just think of him as "annoying faggot lol" because of some hivemind opinion.