Why are there no games set here?

Why are there no games set here?

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too many black people

Coca cola is all ATL has going for it

Write it

Too much traffic

I, for one, also like some of the music by these basketball Americans.

oh the place from the futurama episode i half-remember

The Walking Dead game, S1E1.

It's just a shitty version of other cities.


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but really, nothing interesting has happened there yet

>ywn be a kid playing MC3DUBedition for the first time pimping the fuck out of your el camino and thundering through highway traffic and cops while club foot is blasting in the background

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nah it's famous for getting torched too

Because America only has two real cities, New York and LA, and only one of them is actually worth anything (I'll let you guess which one).

Every other city is a shambles, a dystopic mesh of foreign-funded condominiums and the same commercial cluster over and over again. America's city planning lacks any real character or love. Why aren't there any games in Atlanta? I dunno, because it's fucking indistinguishable from St. Louis, or Houston, or Dallas, or Orlando or Philadelphia.


If the next GTA takes place in Liberty City again (since I'm assuming they'll skip Vice City again), I'd love for them to go all out and just cover the entire tri-state area. Mostly because I want to see my hometown in a video game, but a I digress.

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What about Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, New Orleans, Seattle?

amerilard cities are soulless

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there's cnn

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gay blacks don't make for an interesting story. If you are going to do a story on inner city blacks, it may as well be Los Angeles or New York.

Hey Philly has a lot of historical shit going for it

cities like those have a theme and history, ATL is just negroid land, their sports are shit too

>What am I looking at...?

cities skyline.

>Hispanics tucked away inside white-ville
Good call guillermo

shitty 2d trees and bloom, fuck consoles

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Becauss you suck at city builders.

Looks kinda comfy to me

LMAO this is the legacy of jim crow if you've ever seen it
You can bet life expectancy and income levels drop dramatically just south of where blue ends

>Druid Hills

Attached: druid.jpg (820x605, 118.69K)

>Las Vegas
literally the center of the dystopia. the strip is neat, but it's basically a giant outdoor shopping mall. once you get off the strip, you are smack dab in the middle of blight.

The vast majority of Miami looks like you took LA and dropped it into the south. Suburban sprawl as far as you can see, and if you get more than literally a few blocks off the beach, the town crumbles and turns to shit.

The "downtown" is laughably small. Most of Chicago is just endless suburbs and boring sprawl with no density. You'd think, given the reputation, that Chicago would be some ultra-dense metropolis like New York, but fuck no. Chicago has to be the WORST offender for the terrible city planning that ruined the rest of America. Last time I was in Chicago, I must have walked seven miles straight down Milwaukee avenue and only saw paint stores, payday loans places, Chipotle, etc. The downtown is the most boring, sanitized disneyland possible.

>San Francisco
Actually an interesting city in terms of layout and character, but ground zero for the modern cyberpunk dystopia. There's a roving army of 30-50,000 service workers who sleep in their cars, rather than suffer through a 4-hour daily commute. They're the new homeless.

>New Orleans
Cool culture, but an actual fucking dump. Just the most rundown, depressing city possible, and I visited BEFORE the hurricane. Endless suburbs of shotgun shacks.

Downtown seattle is neat, and taking the ferry across the sound to West Seattle is fucking tight. I will give Seattle credit for not going straight grid system with their roads. Lots of curves. The city itself gets a 1/10 for walkability. Too much sprawl, too many suburbs. I will say that Seattle's suburbs are some of the most lush and beautiful in the fucking country. Expensive as fuck, though, which is why everyone lives in Tacoma or dumps like Everett.

As opposed to which country?
America has some of the most recognizable cities and i am not even American.

Lived in Phoenix all my life, and yeah, it pales in comparison to NY or Boston. But fuck LA for being home to a bunch of yuppy fags who shit up my state by coming here

I'm so grateful I can walk in all the cities here and they have well-functioning comprehensive public transportation

You got midnight club 3

Until it starts flooding