Does TF2 deserve a spot in Smash?

Does TF2 deserve a spot in Smash?

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Smash is for children and autists so I'm not sure why you even made this thread.

Not really no
Smelly pc cucks might think so but the majority of the world's gaming population doesn't care about it

It would be really cool. I'd say it's absolutely not necessary, but it has enough of a legacy to be deserving if it got in by some miracle.

>you now remember TF2 got a spot in Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed

If they want to have a valve character in smash tf2 is probably the best fit for something in line with smash's tone.
Rosterfaggotry is autistic though, and smash is cringe.

Smash doesn't deserve a TF2 rep.

no, but itd be neat

anything is possible

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>When they'll have someone else fuck up his voice

>he actually believes this

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No, you have to be from a garbage franchise to get into smash.

Fuck you op too soon

>implying tf2 isn't garbage
literally 75% of the content from quake megatf was stripped out to casualize the game for children. tf2 is 1/4 of a game.

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If TF2 gets a rep, it’ll likely be the Heavy and we finally get the Heavy Update

>Smash is for children and autists
that's literally 90% of this site though

Had a Valve game ever been on a Nintendo console? I remember HL1 was going to be ported to N64 but that was cancelled.

Absolutely but it will never get in over Life Support Emblem rep #45

Eventually...but probably not this game. I just dont think it will happen here, but as long as Smash exists they WILL get in eventually.

He's in.

I said garbage franchise. If the original wasn't garbage, then that means you can't say a majority of the franchise was garbage, making it a non-garbage franchise.

No, Valve and Nintendo are pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum. That'd be a never-ever.

If that quarter is the best quarter, then it's actually a whole good game, rather than a bloated mess.

Blame the staff for not permabanning them like they used to + not hiring anybody who is willing to do so. Yas Forums thrived when moderation was heavy-handed and gatekeeping was high. Casuals used to be purged from Yas Forums very quickly, to foster an environment of dedicated game players.

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scout has better move set potential

Oh no!

>Franchise has 3 installments: QTF, TFC, TF2
>TFC and TF2 are garbage
>66% of the franchise is garbage
nice math you got there, immigrant

The only PC characters that have any chance into Smash are Riot shits.
Enjoy Ezreal.

Quake was never fun, it's shit.

Oh, so you were just filtered. Okay.

Remember Sakurai's words- for someone to get in, they have to have, among other things, potential for a good, fun to use moveset. That's why Blyat and Corn are in. Does TF2 have anything like that?
I do think Soldier assist trophy would be dope, though. Rocket jumping oughta get some representation.

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jusy like how the majority of the world's gaming population gives a shit about fatal fury, arms and fire emblem right?

>Voice actor dies
>Smashfags trying to cash in on his death to get their most wanted character in
Worse than that Ashleyfag feigning suicide so Sakurai is forced to add Ashley as playable.

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>still has less features than MegaTF
>hundreds of maps incompatible, entire game modes like border wars, hunted, jumpcap maps unsupported by tfc (and no, tfc's hunted is a gimped, shit tier version of QTF hunted, don't even start with the "but hunted exists in tfc" bullshit)
if your "sequel" contains less content, or inferior version of its predecessors' content, then it's shit.

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Heavy would be fun to play as
>Super heavy
>Would drop mini gun when it ran out of ammo which would decrease weight and give him a melee weapon
>Final smash is him going Uber
>Taunts are sandvich and conga

Yes, its got enough legacy and fun things about it

TFC was garbage you larping zoomer faggot

Heavy isn't even fun to play as in his own game.

Why not? Smash is a celebration of gaming, right?

heavy makes sense mascot wise but soldier would be better play style wise. heavy engi and medic could be good assist trophies though

I love Team Fortress 2 but a character getting in Smash is both implausible, mainly because the game's lack of relevance nowadays, and unfair to a lot of other FPS giants. Doomguy, or hell, even Valve's other characters should get in first before a TF2 class does.
You know what? Honestly? Chell should be Valve's rep.

Would have been cool 10 years ago

>recovery is baisically this

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id love all the TF2 characters in smash, thats just because i love the cast and i miss them. Fuck I want a TF2 kart game too though.

Actual based user

Look into your hearts, you know this spreadsheet to be true

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>valve's rep should be a meximutt from the worst franchise valve has ever created which drew shit tons of zoomers and casuals in

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theres so much fucking fodder in this game that saying that anything DOESN'T deserve a slot is just fucking stupid at this point
might as well put fucking bubsy and the MC from ride to hell in alongside a Big Rigs stage, we can't really go down from shit like dark pit or 15 marths

>Worst valve franchise
>Anything but DOTA

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