Well, Yas Forums?

Well, Yas Forums?

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War crimes? More like war suggestions.

>nooo you can't just drop an air strike after killing 10 people with a knife

has this retard not heard of no kill no alert big boss runs?

but let me comite them first and then will talk

i really like games that get pissy for being evil because it just makes me wanna be more evil

the entire worlds economy is sinking, thousands are dead, and millions have lost their jobs, because of one country. If you even suggested these chink fucks get punished you would be called a racist, but gaymurz are war criminals for playing a fucking game?

Yes, because I want every government on Earth to go bankrupt trying to fight the VR Holocaust.

> If you even suggested these chink fucks get punished you would be called a racist
This part has baffled me. There was some dumb cunt on CNN saying that it was an alt-right conspiracy theory to even suggest that the virus originated in China to begin with.
The fuck is going on? Why are the biggest media corporations on Earth suddenly trying to shit-catch for China?

Because moving your manufacturing out of China would costs trillions of dollars. ((((((They)))))) don't want the average consumer to demand products that haven't been made in the country that creates a worldwide pandemic every 10 years.

The article is more than 6 years old. This was posted earlier without that part cropped out.

it's unironically just a coincidence. those climates create fucked up tropical diseases. they happen to live there. it shouldn't be a big deal to say it started there but that doesn't mean anything in particular

>It's unironically just a coincidence that the country without anything like an FDA but millions of people packed tightly just happens to have wet markets that allow people to eat raw bushmeat straight from wild animals a few months after a laboratory in the same place that the virus started wrote a paper detailing how a virus inside of bats, one of the species of animal served at these wet markets, could easily make the jump to humans.
Okay chang, be sure to call me an alt-right incel for suggesting that this isn't a coincidence and China could have done something about this a lot sooner.

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>The Red Cross wanting video games to stop featuring war crimes is the same as gamers being held accountable for virtual war crimes
Nice clickbait.

>giving jews another way to indulge in victim-hood

China isn't in the tropics my dude, nor does it have a unique biome, they're just cheap and disgusting.

See escalators, collapsing malls, gutter oil, SARS and my personal favourite, chinks nuking themselves because proper chemical storage is just too expensive: youtube.com/watch?v=qARRLogg38k

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Except for Israel, our greatest ally that can do no wrong.

See, this shit right here is why I'm questioning the intelligence of lefties.
It isn't racist to suggest that a big-ass fucking dictatorship that suppressed information about the virus for months is directly responsible for it spreading to the rest of the world, nor is it a conspiracy to say that the idea that the super-infectious virus may have escaped a laboratory in China (Who is known for their strict laboratory environments, I'm sure) who was writing papers on this literal exact virus months before may be connected to an outbreak in the exact same region that the paper originated.

Jesus Christ, first worlders do have it easy if this is the shit they have to complain about

Even people who believe in invisible desert gods have nothing on people who believe in what mainstream media tells them lmao. You can't know for certain who released virus and if it was accident or not, but you need to be completely braindead golem who has slip of paper with instructions instead of grey matter in his head to believe in muh eating bats after spending 5 minutes looking for info about what happened.

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You should see how the Women's UN responded to Anita's complaints.

chink rekt threads on Yas Forums are a gold mine.

>You can't know for certain who released virus and if it was accident or not, but you need to be completely braindead golem who has slip of paper with instructions instead of grey matter in his head to believe in muh eating bats after spending 5 minutes looking for info about what happened.
It's hard to tell if your post is saying that it is or isn't just a massive coincidence when most people did read up on it and they came to the same conclusion: China's exceedingly poor cooking hygiene, lax sanitation and laws regarding food, as well as their incredibly sloppy attempt to suppress the virus is directly responsible for it spreading outside of their borders.

Picture being such a chink cocksucker that you cannot look at this series of events and still tell yourself "W-WELL, THERE'S NOTHING CHINA'S GOVERNMENT COULD HAVE DONE. I GUESS IT WAS UNAVOIDABLE." Like maybe laboratory safety, food safety, healthy safety, and any combination of the three; couldnt have prevented this when other countries working with the same virus haven't had this problem.

This virus exists in bats all around the world. Why only China, and the exact place in china writing papers on it, is the one to have it first?


This isn't natural virus, it spreads far too effectively for that. What is more likely, something worthy of being bioweapon against humans by pure cohencidence evolving naturally in bats and then jumping to humans just next to lab that studies viruses and likely also cooks them, or said lab intentionally or accidentally leaking what they do due to chinks disregard for safety? If anything we should consider ourselves lucky it's just modified flu and not something like anthrax that spreads like flu for example.

RIP to anyone that played Spec Ops: The Line

By committing fellatio on her?

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When are Brits going to say enough is enough, drag these people on the street and start lynching every parasite that works there? Starting with the most senior position. What worthless institution.

best nature documentaries ever

britbongs will never get enough of the BBC

Angloids are drones not unlike chinks. They literally allow their children to be raped by grooming gangs for years because going against it will be defiance to ideology of ruling class, and apparently this is more important than fates of their offspring. It was Britain, not China that inspired Orwell to write 1984.

>Killing NPCs will now drop you into the international criminal court.

Fuck you.

How come the chinks haven't fucked over the jews already? I would lose my fucking shit working with them, even if it was cheap as fuck, hopefully they get tired of it all and cut their ties with china eventually

I'm a fucking war criminal lads
I'm a fucking rapist too
Over 200 confirmed headshots

on a note of threads about this game, I'll never understand critics who look at the white phosphorous scene as "forcing the player to feel bad." Quite frankly, I didn't feel bad, because I'm not the one who roasted civilians, Walker was. Why would I feel bad for a choice that wasn't mine to begin with? If the game forced me to press X to roast, then there's no moral consequence on my behalf, it's simply pressing the button to push the narrative.

leftards needs to die out.

>This isn't natural virus, it spreads far too effectively for that.

are you fucking retarded. Was the black plague another bioweapons engineered by feudal alchemists.

it's not even forcing the player to feel bad, it's just the way the story plays out
the game design itself should show you that this is meant to be a linear story, not some role-playing experience where you have to deal with the consequences of choice
if the developers wanted you to insert as walker then spec ops would have been a first-person shooter with a silent protagonist

killing innocent people in GTA counts?

We all need to die out