

Attached: CharlesMartinet-Blue-Shirt-Headshot2-09.jpg (360x450, 21.14K)

Based on what? Finish your sentence.

Based on what?

They could replace Mario's voice with somebody else without telling anyone and nobody would notice.

You know I'm right.

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VERY based


Motherfucker they could replace Charles with stock bing bing wahoo noises and nobody would notice.

Maybe, but at this point in time there would probably be thousands of people waiting to sign up and take his place. And that's only if they needed to replace him, just think about how many wahoo's he's recorded over the years.

For the first time in history, Nintendo would actually have to hire that man.

Just bring back his voice actor from the cartoons if it happens.

hes already dead

Your mother will give birth to his baby.

If Captain Lou was alive I'd agree

He's only 64. Then again, he's not Japanese, so he probably has a concept of retirement.

I predict in 22 days

fuck off schizo

he'll be fine

I don’t know why but this fish is very funny

Not soon enough. He became cancer on social media.

Do tell


He disrespects President Trump on his Twitter.

ok then who cares?


Go the fuck back.

>not knowing the invasion of trumposters from 2015
Actially, (You) should go back.

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I wouldn't give a shit if he was disrespecting hilary either because i don't care about other's political opinions you fucking retard

You first niggerfaggot.

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They are way ahead of you, they made him read a whole dictionary to record his voice


did they make him skip over the bad words?

>Does nothing but parrot lib shit on Twitter all day long

Attached: Why Contain It.jpg (600x1040, 147.63K)

that image is really disheartening

It's alright, it's all false flags.

There are hundreds/thousands of unused lines read by him in a virtual Nintendo vault. He could die tomorrow and he’d still be the voice of Mario for the next century.

why is everything Yas Forums doesnt like to see just a false flag

>Japan will “retire” certain characters and not allow them to be re-recorded if their original VA dies (see: the Colonel from Metal Gear and why we didn’t get new Codecs in Smash because of it)
>Japan will also make a beloved VA futureproof his character so they can continue to Tupac his spirit long after he dies
So why the double standard? Is it because Charles isn’t honorrarry Nippon native?

Because Yas Forums is always right newfag