XCOM Chimera Squad

Will it be ok?

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edit:mods are fags and jannies suck them off

>Breach mode advertised as something new when it's basic gameplay loop from previous titles
>limited or no squad customization because of story essential squadmembers
>any squadmember dying means restarting the mission
>less choice in playstyle because limited number of squadmates (no all heavy, all sniper, all assault squads for shits and giggles)
not looking good so far

>the MUTTon

Breach mode replaces pods doesn't it?

>Breach mode advertised as something new when it's basic gameplay loop from previous titles
Not really. Considering the mission structures, it gives you far more control over how the fight starts.


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Yea, from what it looks like from the gameplay reveal instead of missions being (insert team > maneuver team > set up ambush > succeed/fail and trigger pod > continue) it looks like you start every mission like (set up ambush > trigger pod > continue). There are three phases to every mission apprently so I'm assuming the mission begins with breaching and then continues as normal from there.

Seems more like it's going to be like a puzzle game like Doorkickers, considering you're not allowed to fail a level or even lose a character. Combined with the Captain Planet-tier writing and setting retcons, I think this ones' meant to be more for kids and the iOS audience as an introduction to the mainline games

Not that there's anything wrong with an XCOMForKidz game, it might be good despite everything

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Post your Chimera Squad

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It will probably be a decent spinoff but still pale in comparison to the main titles.

It's only $10, if it's ok itll be good enough. My hopes arent that high, but hey, snake tits.

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>5 years since the revolution, everybody loves each other faggotry
Bad guys are gonna be white bank on it lmao.

No, you can't post that or the mods will throw another bitch fit. But yeah, 10 shekels is surprisingly low considering 2K are massive jews.

It looks fine to me, can't wait to pirate it

All 5 ayys + Chad

Look at the price. It's not meant to be a real game, just one they can experiment with.

Is this Carl?

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Gotta have Agent Torque.

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>he breached?
>activate the sectopods

There is nothing SJW about this game. My only gripe is that Axiom, the Muton squad memeber, looks goofy and not like the Mutons from XCOM2. His eyes should've been smaller and glow.

>Game is not out yet
>Fan stuff already is being produced
>As with XCOM2, the Viper goes fan favorite again
Just how much Torque porn there will be?

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Sorry, posted the wrong image. fixed now

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>gives you far more control over how the fight starts
It's just a feature that is the same way you (should) move in XCOM 2 when triggering combat but with failure removed. The example shown of breaching in the trailer is going through a door, a window adjacent to it, or using explosives to breach a wall. I could do the same thing in XCOM 2 though and wasn't just limited to 3 points of entry to choose from, and also now don't have to worry about fucking up or wandering pods triggering combat before I was ready.

I understand there are constraints both storywise (since using rocket launchers to blow holes into grocery stores will not advance xeno-human relations) and with the budget but watching the gameplay just made me want to play XCOM 2 again.

tl;dr Chimeracom doesn't look like XCOM 2 but different, it looks like XCOM 2 but less, no buy from me


>looks goofy and not like the Mutons from XCOM2. His eyes should've been smaller and glow.
My assumption here is that he's more "natural", as in not loaded up with bionic implants and genetically roided up to hell and back.
Mutons look fucking weird without masks though, but it makes sense that they'd get gene mods to breathe earth atmosphere.
>how much torque porn
A lot but not enough

How does nuCOM manage to consistently have worse art direction with each game?

>>Breach mode advertised as something new when it's basic gameplay loop from previous titles

not really

You forgot your fellow muton

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Can anyone explain what the fuck is even going on with this game? It's by Firaxis, but it's like a $20 standalone game made on an indie budget? Is it even made by the same team as XCOM 1 and 2?

ayy lmao
pepe the muton
and the medic because not bringing a medic in XCOM is asking for trouble

Mild understatement.

>My assumption here is that he's more "natural", as in not loaded up with bionic implants and genetically roided up to hell and back.
Still doesn't have this "you gonna get mauled" feel from him.
>Mutons look fucking weird without masks though, but it makes sense that they'd get gene mods to breathe earth atmosphere.
It's like they naked or something.
>A lot but not enough
My prediction.

OH NO. Now I will never see him the same again.

>it looks like XCOM 2 but less
Which is why it's ten dollars.

>he flanked the enemy?
>make him miss

My guess is that it's something they were already working on and want to drop it ASAP to capitalize on everyone being in quarantine and suddenly having $1200

Never seen a spinoff game before?

Literally rent free.

no its not the same team
jake isn't on the team for this one since (i assume) he's working on xcom 3


I'm just willing to wait till XCOM 3 and boot up WotC with mods if I need my fix till then.

>not one european
ayys only

>Agent Torque we have a mission just for you.
>All the male members of the squad need a morale boost to fight more effectively.
>No complaining, wear this and start shaking that slutty snake body.

Let me get this straight

The premise of this game is "lol we are friends with the aliens now fuck off white - uh i mean HUMAN supremacists!!!"

Cant wait till the new batch of jannies mindbreaks like the last ones.

No, but I guess that's what you'd think if you were OneAngryGamer.

I assume it contains a ton of new systems they wanted to test, so they just pumped out a quick little thing to let players break. Also, quarantine and $1200 Trumpbux

where is the white man

Gears Tactics is included with Xbox Game Pass which works on PC and is only two dollars. It honestly looks pretty good.

the whole concept of nu-xcom and living peacefully with the inmigrant aliens is fucking retarded and completely against x-com itself

I am him.

How is it not what I stated?

>Earth liberated from Advent
>New leadership knows the importance of morale
>Cities given numbers instead of actual names

i would like to know the color of the hair of the person who pitched the idea

Peak soulless.

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I'd rather see their nose.

>Living peacefully
>City 31 is basically cyberpunk Detroit and "peace" is hanging by a thread because aliens and humans keep fighting over stupid shit


makes you think

>Diversis Viribus

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>the whole concept of nu-xcom and living peacefully with the inmigrant aliens is fucking retarded and completely against x-com itself

>X-COM: Apocalypse
>XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

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Hol up

I like that it's trying to be different. Don't know if I'll like it though, but I might. I liked Kingdom Battle and that was different.

I have a really hard time understanding how one is supposed to enjoy the nuX-COM games though. It just feels like they have way fewer options, including choices that matter. While still being slower and taking way longer to play than the original games. A terrible combination as far as I am concerned.

I kinda like the new jannies. The leave up literal porn as long as it's on topic.

>Admitting to having a beard that would be confused for a bird's nest

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>Agent Torque, glad you could make it
>I've called you in for a very important discussion
>while Chimera Squad has seen some success it hasn't managed to quell the rioting happening in City 31
>we are very close to losing complete control of the entire city
>we have just enough time for one last Hail Marry
>I'm going to need you and your sisters to do what you do best
>I know you've said you wanted to leave the past behind
>but god damn it agent Torque XCOM needs you now more than ever
>you'll find your new uniform in the armory
>and some lube as well
>then again, you never needed it before
>god speed agent Torque

>literally Diversity is Our Strength
bro im screaming

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I don't have high hopes for it, but I'm hoping its like a testbed for them to see how people react to features they're considering for 3

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Weird. I'll just wait for reviews to come in desu.

>We've found no discernible genetic variance between any of the small humanoid aliens that have been examined thus far. They are perfect genetic copies, each and every one of them
>Now… The New One confronts a greater threat - a rare strength, found in an easily controlled breed. And yet, they are incapable of brilliance, of independence… they will never be more than primitive warriors… serving only to fight, and die, as did those who came before them

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>stupid shit
I'd call the attempted genocide of every earthling by means of mulching into genepaste and ayy skincare products something more than "stupid shit"