Keep moving. Fire when you see the green light. How are people struggling this much with this guy...

Keep moving. Fire when you see the green light. How are people struggling this much with this guy? Once you figure out the pattern he really is no problem.

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They’re playing for the story.

The average FPS player is unironically low IQ and hates it when a game prevents them from mindlessly clicking on things to win

This guy is retarded, fighting the marauder well has nothing to do with being good at FPS. Actually it's probably the only enemy that doesn't test your aiming skills. It's only states your understanding of its pattern and your reflexes.

The marauder isn't hard to fight, it's just fucking boring. Once you understand how it works, you just repeat the same action over and over with almost no way to speed it up except do a little more damage every time you have the opportunity.

When the marauder is in a fight, you either focus on him or on every one else, and most of the time it's easier to clear everything else than trying to fight him at the same time : this right here shows that he doesn't fit well in the rest of the combat system.


>normal fight
>dodge the enemies while using whatever the fuck you want
>hell knight fight
>press lmb twice with ballista when eyes turn green

>stay mid range
>dodge wave attacks
>ballista/super shotgun combo for max damage

There, I just made it easy mode for you faggots.

Holy shit imagine being such a whiny bitch get the fuck over it

Based post

you could literally replace "marauder" with "arch-vile" and this post would be the same.
the marauder is another heavy enemy to focus on, no fucking shit. Same as the cyberdemon, baron of hell, and pain elemental.
you'd understand if you ever actually played doom 2.
you're just bad or looking for something to hate in a game with perfect combat. GIT GUD.

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Not at all. Archvile is best to go first as soon as he arrives, not last. Run up and oneshot with the crucible and go on about sweeping up everything else. Marauder is best left for last.

>he can’t juggle enemies while fighting the chaos doomguy
Just keep fighting and shoot when he lunges Jesus Christ don’t focus down everything like the sperg you are

How many of your fights with an arch-vile in it ends with only you and the arch-vile ?
Now how many of your fights with a marauder in it ends with only you and the marauder ?

One is a priority target, the other is a target so poorly implemented in the system that the best way to fight him is to clear the whole arena to then have your fight with him.

>it’s not hard, just boring/annoying
lol, this cope will never not be funny. If it’s not hard, then why complain?

The average FPS player's only exposure to minibosses/bosses is a helicopter, "shoot it until it dies", pressing F to Pay Respects, and a stationary wall enemy with a glowing weakpoint.

Take pot shots with the rocket launcher and shotgun party when he lunges, he doesn’t heal when you’re fighting other demons you slow.

FPS games are easy. They're built for casuals.

>why complain about being bored in an action game

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Nice logic, if after every fight in DOOM there is a prompt that asks you to press the spacebar hundred times to unlock the next area, you'd complain right ? Yet it's not that hard even for a retard like you

My gut feeling just tell me that the shield was added as a last resort. The Marauder in versus mode with only axe throw, shotgun and dash was the initial Marauder, but playtesters probably still destroyed his ass despite the "hell doom guy" narrative, so they just slapped an instant activation shield and call it a day.


I feel sorry for those guys because they chose to play with gimped controls.

Wasn't this dumb dashing asshole moba wannabe supposed to be some sort of special player controlled enemy?
Lame as shit, should've just scrapped it, looks like shit when he's teleporting around like a retard.

>unironically using crucible or BFG
cringe, do you also play on Hurt Me Plenty?

No matter what you use you're playing retardedly not getting rid of Archvile first.

>How are people struggling this much with this guy?
People are literally just doing this:
>Keep moving
And feel that that should be enough. It's the same reason a lot of people playing these shooters get "annoyed" by things like hitscan or enemies leading their shots - or the bad guys doing anything beyond being braindead ammo pinatas, who just shoot projectiles where you're standing at the time with no thought.

>the other is a target so poorly implemented in the system that the best way to fight him is to clear the whole arena to then have your fight with him.
literally git gud
just use your grenades and rockets you dunce

>Marauder is best left for last.
that's dependent on who you kill before he shows up
my point still stands, he is always a priority to focus on

>he get's excited from shooting an imp

I just found out that many FPS normies barely aim at all. Instead they just let the mouse/right pad go then move their character so that the camera aligns.
They cant do that against marauder because the time window is too short.

yup this is the main cause of butthurt.