Is a switch worth getting?If so what are the must have exclusives?

Is a switch worth getting?If so what are the must have exclusives?

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She's so beautiful, bros...

>ANOTHER transphobic pol thread

Sigh why is this sub like this?

She doesn't look like that IRL.

I love Suzi

Literally nothing wrong with transphobia, nigger.

if this isn't actually a thread about sphere hunter, the switch is pretty cool. Exclusives are great and you get to buy your steam indie library over gain to play more comfortably

Kys you tranny loving faggot nobody likes you

Just post the fucking gay porn already you pole-smoking queer

golem get thee gone

go sigh that cock out of your ass

>oh user, you must be so tired from work UwU here let me rub your back

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boys like this were meant for BREEDING


These threads are surreal for a non faggot

She looks better yeah

as a tranny I welcome our transphobic overlords

Trannies aren't people.

wait wtf are people talking about

isn't this artist just Dross? dude draws some top tier femboys


This word is only used by retarded bandwaggoners. If I don't like red, does that make me a redophobe? No, it means I don't like red just like I don't like the personality quirks of transsexuals i.e. entitled selfish hypocrites.

I want to breed Suzi

Am I supposed to recognize this or something

The artist draws trap porn in that artstyle. Not bad though.

No, it's just one user who is obsessed with that artist's fag OC

Another boogeyman thread, great.


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I don't care about trannies, I just entered this thread to coom to traps.

femboys are only ok because they don't transition. Yas Forums would rather be gay than lust after someone who changed their pronouns

Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Astral Chain, Mario Odyssey, XC2

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Yo, this user finna boutta get DILATED on.

>be femboy
>get lots of attention
>lots of orbiters
>realize im still not comfortable with my body
>start taking female hormones and practice voice to sound girly
>get way cuter
>get more orbiters
>Yas Forums is salty about this
I love it

Depends on if you are a tranny or a faggot.

>get way cuter

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why are so many people replying to this like it's not bait
is everyone retarded

legit question, how did the hormones help you feel cuter? Like did it change your body at all or was it just a presence of mind thing?


Is "weed makes you trans" a Yas Forums meme yet

Oh man they sure showed me, this totally invalidates everything I know about the world. I guess this means I can write a book about how disgusting trannies are and I won't get fired from my job/ have my house mobbed and be accused of being a nazi for the rest of my life.

I want to marry Suzi

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I want to pork this goofy golem!



Golem get ye gone
>still has overt male bone structure


>disrespecting GoDz by replacing a pic of him with some tranny
C'mon nigga

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Atleast makes an effort to look like more than a dude in a dress.